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I opened the door to the fridge and my hand flew to my mouth as I had to hold back a scream.

A head fell out off of the shelf  and rolled over my foot. I almost slammed the refrigerator door as I jumped back. I heard laughing behind me and I spun around to see a man with fading green hair and bright blue eyes. I would have got lost in them if it weren't for the gun pointed in the general direction of my forehead. "And who might you be?" He said in a much louder voice than I expected and I flinched before telling him "Charlie." "Well Charlie it seems you've found my little surprise." He chuckled again before yelling," Mark! Come down here and see what I found!" I heard footsteps of what I presumed were Mark coming down the stairs before he rounded the corner into the kitchen.
  "Yah Sean.. oh hello there." Mark said. The man had vibrant pink hair and my first thought was where did he get the hair dye to do that. "Mark, this is Charlie, she seems to have been robbing us." "Nononno I didn't know anyone was living here in sorry to have intruded." The green haired boy lowered his gun but I knew if I made a move for mine he would still shoot me before I could get to it. Just cower a bit more and you might make it out of this alive Char.
   "Hay Sean look at that beaut on her back that could be of good use to us." "Yah Mark your right it could, alright hands on your head little girl and get on your knees." Sean spat at me seeming to change emotions faster than I thought possible. "Shit." I mumbled as I did as I was told. As long as he hadn't seen my hand gun I could still, if needed, shoot my way out of this. He zip tied my hands together and pulled my AK47 out of the slip I had it in on my back along with the machete. Mark whistled "Isn't that beautiful." "C'mon guys," I pleaded. "Untie me." "Not a chance doll." Sean said chuckling.
  "Hay look the chick has a truck!" I heard Mark yell to Sean. That was it no way were they stealing my baby. I grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket and desperately cut at the zip ties as they were talking. It took me under a minute to cut my self free and I grabbed my gun and shot at the ceiling. "Okay you little shits put down my gun and machete if you want to keep your head. And don't even try to pull your gun pink hair I will shoot you faster than you can blink are we clear?" He nodded. "Now throw me your guns and that knife you have in your back pocket greeny and study the wall." After they threw me their stuff they just stared at me. "I said STUDY THE WALL." As they turned around I picked up their things, grabbed my backpack and weapons and slowly walked towards the door, pointing the gun at them the entire time. "And I will put a joke in your head if you try to come after me are we clear?" I heard a grunt from Sean so I took that as a yes and I walked out of the door. I went to my truck and looked into my bag. When I opened it I almost screamed. In place of where all my stuff had been there was a head and a note.

Sorry Doll,

Did you really think it would be that easy? Try again next time.

    Sean xx


Apocalypse Upon Us- JacksepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now