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A/N Hi!!! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and here's the second!!! Enjoy!!! Oh and I listened to a static lullaby-toxic (I'm aware that Brittney spears wrote it but I like this version better) while writing this if you want to check that out and listen to it while reading you can but ill just get on with this then.

I slowly open the door slipping the pistol out of my belt loop and pointing into the doorway. I noticed to late movement inside my shed and the door was pushed open and I was met with o rotting flesh. "Shit!" I yelled before I shot the dieing thing in the chest twice and rolled it off me. After wiping some the blood off of my face and spitting some out of my mouth, almost hurling a few times, I continued making my way cautiously into my humble abode.
  As I looked around I saw how the creature got in. The little shit broke through my boarded window. I was a mechanics kid not a carpenters okay. Where there is one zombie,there will be a whole horde more, it was time to pack up and move on. "And to think, I was just getting used to this place." I said aloud to no one. I picked up my sleeping bag, shot gun, My pocket knife, My 357 I took off of a police officer before this whole zombie thing started, and backpack full of food which consisted of  two cans of peas, three cans of corn, two canned hams that I had to get used to,  a half loaf bread, and a few bottles of water. After hauling all this into the cab of my truck I set fire to the shed and drove away.
  Dodging potholes and dead bodies on the road I drove until nighttime. Passing a flickering sign that faintly said "Welcome to Dublin." I had moved to Ireland when I was little with my parents and two sisters and a few years later the "epidemic" hit America and the whole world was turned upside down. It hit Mexico and Africa next along with Greenland and Britain then slowly made its was here to little ol' Ireland. I eventually came to a small suburb and while I knew by the looks of it I was not staying there I could collect supplies from the place as I had no medical supplies with me and was running low on food. I pulled up to a house and secured my AK47 to my back and slid my 357 into my front belt loop so I could get to it easier. I also slid my machete into my back belt loop trying not to scrape myself in the process. I got out of my truck and, as quietly as I could, shut the door and ran up to the house. Is was dark but my flashlight had been taken when I got jumped by some little Shit and his big brother that left me with nothing but a backpack. I pulled out my hand gun and quietly opened the door.
  Empty so far thank God. They're were a few lights that flickered on and off so I assumed that this part of Dublin had some electricity. Not letting my guard down I walked into the kitchen and saw a small fridge and a coffee table with two chairs. At one sat a horrible decayed body of a child that couldn't have been more than 8. It made me sad for a moment but I got myself back together and kept looking. I opened cabinets as quietly as I could in case there were any zombies lurking around the house.
  I found a few cans of carrots and a box of cereal. Raisin Bran! I hadn't had that since I lived in America. I grabbed it and the carrots and put it into the backpack I had and kept looking. I opened the fridge and my hand flew to my mouth as I had to hold back a scream.

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