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Sean's POV-

"MaaAARRK!! GET IN HERE!!" I shouted starting to panic as some zombies started looking toward the house. "SHHH!" Charlie yell-whispered. "If you don't make any more noise they might move on." "And as luck would have it about that time Mark came clanking in with the boards from upstairs. "Well I'm sure they heard that." Charlie mumbled.
And oh they did. They started running at the house as fast as their dead legs would carry them, and there were a lot of them.
Charlie slid her window open, looked at me and said,"Start shooting!" And boy did I, I took my first shot at a guy maybe not older than 20 and got him in the shoulder. 1 down about 30 more to go. Charlie had gotten about three before Mark shuffled his ass over here and started helping, if you could call it that, he's rubbish with a gun.

*cue la time skip sponsored by Dan Howell's hobbit hair*

Charlie's POV-

I still don't trust these guys but after watching Mark shoot a tree about 100 feet away from a zombie and seeing Sean hammer his fingers more than the nails, I suddenly felt a bit more safe around them. After we boarded up the windows and secured the doors I went upstairs and saw two rooms and a bathroom at the end of the small hallway. The faded green carpet was stained with blood and smelled faintly of piss.
I wonder if I should even ask about that. I walked down to the bathroom and tried the lights, Nope. Of course not. I shuffled around the cabinets and drawers until I finally found a flashlight. I set the light facing towards the ceiling and washed my hands. Surprisingly the water still works. I felt a little better getting all the zombie blood off of me at least it wasn't mine. I turned off the water and wiped the water off on my faded black jeans, drying them the best I could,grabbed the flashlight and set it back into the drawer I got it from.
I headed back down stairs and Sean and Mark weren't in the living room. I rested my hand on my hand gun just in case and made my way into the kitchen, No one.. "BOO!!" I whipped around and pointed my gun as a now laughing Sean. He held his hands up in defence and I lowered my weapon. "I could have SHOT you!!!!" "I-Im S-Sorry Hahahaha your face though," Sean said in between laughs. You sighed," Where's Mark?" You asked looking around for the pink haired man. "I thought he was up there with you?" He responded, I could see worry start to form on his face. "I thought he was down here with you." You said starting to worry also.
"BOO!" "AAHH!" You and Sean both yelled and he punched the figure that he realized to late was Mark. "OW damn man that hurt." Mark said holding his nose. "You two are two halves of a whole idiot you know that?" "Hay! Charlie is making jokes!" Mark said still holding his nose. "Not jokes Mark, Statements, I'm making statements." "Hardy Har Har." Sean said sticking his tongue out at me. "Well if all the zombies are gone I'm going to pull my truck into the garage." "I'll go with you, just in case." Sean said picking up his gun off the kitchen table. "Don't leave me here by myself!" Mark said in a little kid voice. "You'll be fine. Here." Sean said throwing Mark a gun. Mark pouted and I laughed. "Fiine." He playfully whined and Sean and I headed out the door.

A/N Hay it's Alice I'm aware this chapter is Shit I'm having MAJOR writers block and Hatter has not began helping me yet due to her working on her other books. Sorry it's been so long since I've updated and that this is just a filler and the next chapter will (hopefully) be better. Just stick with it guys and don't leave just yet. Will Sean and Charlie survive outside with the zombies? Will Mark break anything while Charlie and Sean are gone for 10 minutes? Stick around for the next chapter to find out!
(I know I know I shod be a TV announcer it just wasn't my calling. By the way that was me trying to be funny sorry ill go now.) Author-chan out!!!

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