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Charlie's POV:
I poked my head out of the door and the smell of rotting flesh immediately filled my nose and  I jerked my head back immediately and almost connected the back of my head to Sean's face. I didn't dare laugh and neither did he, my truck would make enough noise as it was.
Sean and I walked out the door and made our way through the corpses to Gerald. Yes, I named my truck Gerald and he is beautiful okay? Sean jogged up to my truck and jumped in the driver's side. "No, get out." I said, trying to keep my voice down. "C'mon Charlie please?" "No. Now get out of Gerald."  "Gerald?" Sean looked at me like I was crazy. "Yes Gerald is my truck now get out of him." I said raising my voice slightly. "First, why Gerald and second that sounds extremely wrong." Sean said while hopping out of the cab.
"Because I like the name Gerald now get in the damn truck before I leave you out here." I rolled my eyes as be grabbed his chest as if I just shot him. "I'm hurt really Charlie that hurt me." He said dramatically and he got in the passenger seat. I just sighed and rubbed the steering wheel with my hands. "Miss me baby?" I whispered to Gerald and started him up. It clicked a few times and then started with a grumble. I pulled him around the side of the house and Sean got out to open the garage.

A/N Fucking hell this was just as Shit as the last one I'm sorry. I have writers block and couldn't write worth Shit. Also it is 2:00 am and I have school today so yeah... Insomniacs Unite!!! Sorry about this chapter hopefully the next one will be more eventful. Put some suggestions on who you would like to have them meet (ex. Felix, Singe, Ryan etc.) Or any suggestions you guys have. Love y'all stay weird! 💙👽👽💙

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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