viii. Survivor

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Dedicated to NemoHorseGirl, inspired by her story Survivor. Only read part of the book so far on my other account but I do hope to continue reading it soon.

It takes so little words
To end what once was
"You have cancer", her doctor said
"As your father once had
You don't have long to live
You'd be dead before long."

The girl's heart was shattered
Her world fallen apart
She wanted to do much more
Before it all ended
She had desires for what could have been
To fulfill her hopes and dreams

Her mother abandoned her
Her siblings understanding
Her father already gone
And her faithful pets watch from on high
As she battles her pain
The factor to her termination

"I want to live," she vowed.
"I would fight for my life;
I could survive this cancer." 
Her voice speaks unwavering
As she brings on the battle
Against whatever was killing her inside

Her story was a unique one
An inspiration for others to fight
Hope is stronger than fear, one says
And so people hope
For the illness does not hinder them
It challenges them to survive.

I still have yet to read the rest of your book on my other account magic_mockingjay, but I just wanted to say I enjoyed it so far and I hope you keep up the amazing work.


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