xxii. Rain's Enchantment

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Pitter patter, pitter patter
Clear raindrops descend from the heavens
A blessing, a curse, to all living below

The young child, inquisitive and perky
Would run round in delight and splash in puddles
Wet he would be, as is the world round him
His bright yellow raincoat slick and shining

The teenage girl, with a melancholy aura
Stands alone in the storm, raindrops streaking her cheeks
Her heart, wounded and broken, crying with the sky
Her hair and clothes drenched and soaking

The young man, an umbrella in hand
Would help the girl, comfort her from the storm
His company reassuring, the day bright once more
The raindrops round them light and calming

A tiny little duckling, excited and curious
Cheeps and squeaks, twirling round and round
Wet it would be, but happy  too
Its soft yellow down damp and fluffing

A writer, a poet, pensive and observant
Would write about the rain, from its ups to down
For rain itself is enchanting to many
A wondrous, and tranquil, spectacle.

Ugh. Don't mind me writing this on a whim.


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