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I agreed to tutoring Juuzen in science and in return I got his mom's rice every time we met up at the school library as payment. I was so preoccupied with focusing on making sure Juuzen passed his tests that I didn't notice someone had been keeping a close eye on me on my way home from school.

Haru POV

I couldn't get that weird feeling out of my head so I decided on checking with a coworker if they noticed something out of place.

"Oi! Nibura!" I call out to one of my coworkers. I head towards the smoking area where all the hosts that wanted to take a break went.

"What is it Haru?" Nibura furrows his brow in irritation before releasing a puff of smoke from his cigarette.

"I wanted to ask you if you'd noticed anything strange lately."

"Strange? Like what? Is something wrong with one of your clients again?" Nibura sighs.

"It's not one of my clients...at least I hope so. I mean it as in seeing a suspicious person or something around here." I rub the back of my neck of neck and laugh lightly.

"Well I haven't noticed anything like that. Everything's been pretty normal around here." Nibura released another puff of cigarette smoke. "Oh but Akito was upset a couple days ago because one of his clients kept asking about you. I don't know how but he said that one of his regulars found out you'd taken in that kid Ren and kept pestering him about the two of you."

"Do you know who it was?"

"No. You'd have to ask him yourself."

Does this have something to do with the strange feeling I got this morning?

"Is he coming in today?" Asking him more about the situation would be a good idea.

"No today is his day off. I don't know when his next shift is."

"Alright thanks Nibura." I flash him one of my killer smiles and get back to the girls that were calling out to me.


I open the door to Haru' s apartment to find it cold and empty.

He must still be working.

I go to the refrigerator and take out a convenience store bento. I heat it up in the microwave and eat it before going to bed.

Instead of sleeping I stay awake the whole night waiting for Haru. I take one of my books, White Fang, that Haru gave me and set about rereading it on the couch.

Haru POV

The ground sways as I put one foot in front of the other. My body feels heavy. I shouldn't have had so many drinks. I curse myself mentally and take out my keys to unlock the door.

The lights are on inside. Isn't Ren supposed to be asleep? I go to the living room and see him reading a book.

"Ren! What are you doing up?"

"Haru." Ren looks at me seriously with no emotion on his face. It's a bit unnerving to be on the receiving end of one of his stares. I honestly sometimes don't know what this kid is thinking. "Your drunk."

"Yes." I laugh. "You should go to bed. Don't you have school in a few hours?"


"Why are you still up?"

"I was waiting for you to get home." No change in his expression as he continues to lock eyes with me.

Does this kid not realize how cute he's being?

"C'mon Ren let's go to bed." I motion for him to follow me.


"What is it Ren?"

"You should shower first and change, I'll wait for you."

It takes me a moment to process what he's saying because of my drunkness. "Huh? Oh your right. I'll go get my towel."


I really don't like how he smells when he comes home from work. I don't like thinking about all the women that Haru gives his attention too aside from me.

When Haru gets out I cuddle up to him in bed, desperate for his warmth and he wraps his arms around me. I inhale Haru's natural scent and we drift off into sleep.

Hello again.Hope you like this chap too. renshino90 tiffypaul ;)

I added some characters not in the manga I think haha so sorry about that I don't want to confuse anyone.


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