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Of course Haru would rather spend time with women than go to a lousy school play. I shouldn't have asked. With Haru it's either a hit or miss.

I hadn't even wanted to be in the play begin with. That stupid old man told me that it would help me build my 'social skills'. It's not like I need social skills anyway because the only person I care about is Haru. Even though to him, I guess I'm not the only one he cares about.

My phone starts ringing and I'm tempted to throw it at the wall if it's Haru calling again. Instead of Haru calling it's a text from Juuzen.

Juuzen: Ren don't forget to study those notes for Japanese. Tommorow we're having a test.

Me: Test? Notes?

Juuzen: I'm pretty sure I head sensei say test and to study our notes. You do have them right?

....I left my notes at school.

Me:I have them. Thanks Juuzen.

Juuzen: No problem.Good luck. I know your bad at Japanese. Your essay sucked.....badlyyy.

Ren:Shut up

I don't want to bother Juuzen about the notes. Some parts of the school are still unlocked. Juuzen told me about them before. I can still get into the school to grab my notes. It'll do me some good to get my mind off Haru.

I jot down where I'm going on a post it note and leave it on the refrigerator. Locking the door, I head out.

I needed a walk like this to get rid of the ugly feeling I got when I heard that woman's voice. I shouldn't feel like that. It won't do me any good getting feelings for an idiot like Haru.

Just 2 more blocks.

I see something moving in the shadows behind me when I turn a corner and dread suddenly sinks in. Before I can even think on what to do gloved hands are reaching for me in the dark.

Haru POV

"You wanted to ask me about that woman right? The one who kept asking about you and that kid?" Akito looks bitter. Having one of his regulars take an interest in another host must have been a blow to the male ego. We went into a private booth in the club and sat down.

"Yea. Can you tell me more about her? What does she look like? Her name? How long has she been coming here and when did she start asking about me?"

"That's a lot to ask but I'll tell you. Just remember you owe me for this."

"Of course."

"Alright. Her name is Asuka Miya. She has long black hair, a slim body, and porcelain skin. She's your typical lonely office woman and a friend had suggested she come here to let off some steam about 3 months ago, been here ever since. She comes in every now and then. A couple weeks ago she'd caught wind of you taking in a kid and her attitude seemed to change a bit. All she talked about was you and how that kid must be such a burden. Frankly it's gotten annoying as heck." Akito rubs the back of his neck.

"And recently? Any changes in attitude?"

"Well, she's still asking about you two but now her questions are getting more precise. She wanted me to tell her about where you lived and what school Ren is going to. Of course I told her that information is confidential but she's turning into a nut. You better watch yourself I don't know if she'll make a move but I wouldn't put it past her. Anyone whose crazy about you is definitely a nutcase." Akito stands up.

ヽ(^。^)丿helllooo. Hope you liked this chap.


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