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Haru POV

Kuso! I slam my fist on the wall and rush out of the apartment. That woman will definetly get what's coming to her.

I can do this Ren! I'll save you! Just wait for me!

I race out of my apartment barely remembering to lock it as I go. I take the stairs down two at a time to get to my car. Just before I can get in my car a group of guys surround me in an instant. Dressed in rugged clothes befitting yakuza they attack me all at once.

I fight back immediately punching and kicking any who get too close to me. I take down four of them easily but the others get the best of me. Almost as if their attack was planned down to the last detail they move in synch. One pushes me down from behind and another tapes my wrists together behind my back.

"Look what we have here boys this guy is trying to play the hero and save his shitty princess."

One tall man stands out from the others with hair long and red, tied up into a ponytail. I don't recall him joining in on the fight earlier. How does he know I'm going to save Ren? I don't have time to waste with these idiots! Asuka told me I needed to hurry or else something might happen to Ren. I'm not going to allow them to put Ren at risk.

"Yet it seems he can't even do that. What a lousy prince he must be to get taken down so easily." The others laugh. He smirks down at me for a second before giving me a swift kick in the abdomen. I double over, my vision clouding briefly with bright spots.

"The fuck do you guys think you're doing keeping me from getting in my car?" I grunt out through gritted teeth. Something is going on.

"Boss Miyagi sent us to prevent you from getting to the warehouse to save that little shit of a princess." I want to rip the guys throat for what he says about Ren but I keep a tight hold on my anger.

Not for long.

I try to focus on the name he mentioned. Boss Miyagi? Something about the name tugs on my memory. I know that name from somewhere but where?

"Why is your boss against me going to the warehouse? What does he have to do with any of this?" He mentioned a Boss Migayi which isn't Asuka so what is his connection with me? Or Asuka?. I've certainly never heard of his name before now...I believe.

"You see if you don't get there in time the Boss is going to kill the kid. We're here to make sure that happens. How about you make our job easier and don't put up a struggle while we get you to the location the boss wants us to take you."

They're planning to kill Ren.


A splash of freezing cold water jerks me awake. The old man from before grins down at me. I look around but I don't see the woman anywhere.

"Looking for that beauty from before? Too bad kiddo I sent her out to watch for that guy of yours that's supposed to save you. It's been a while though it looks like he might not be coming after all. Wonder what's keeping him? Haha. Were you hoping he'd come save you? Sadly it looks like your not worth saving to him." His fingers grip onto my chin and jerk it up. "Whether he shows up or not doesn't matter. You and I are going to have some fun."

The story is nearing it's end (ToT) a couple more chaps maybe and I'll be done. I've been thinking heavily on how to end the story and give you guys an intense climax so hopefully I'll be able to pull it off. (≧∇≦)/~Arigato for having stuck along with me so far~ I hope you guys enjoyed this chap too.


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