Stay Safe

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(A/N: does it look like Misaki from Junjou? XD it looks so bad doesn't it)

Haru POV

"But if I tell you where Ren is now our lovely chat will come to an end so soon and that is no fun." She sounds like a petulant child.

"Do you think this is a game?!?!" I shout at her through the phone.

"Hmmm yes actually. And the prize is you." Her voice rings sickly sweet.
"Have you let the brat wrap you around his little finger? You should not be so worried the kid is fine. A few scratches but nothing worth fretting over. Why do you even care about a brat like him? The kid isn't cute at all." Her tone turns bitter.

"A FEW SCRATCHES?!" My vision turns red. The thought of them even harming a hair on Ren's head makes my blood boil. "You are going to pay for that!" My words spit out like venom. Honestly, what is her problem with with Ren? Who does she think she is to talk about Ren like that? "What goes on between me and Ren is really none of your business. If you think hurting a kid is right then you are seriously in need of help."

"Right and wrong are of no importance to me!" She shouts vehemently. I hear her take in a deep breath and then continue talking in a more normal tone. "I'm only concerned about what is best for you Haru and Ren stands in the way of that. He isn't what's best for you, you should already have known that by now yourself."

"Stop talking about me like you give a damn. Wherever Ren is that is where I should be." My voice turns sharp and deadly. Every word that comes out of her mouth only serves to infuriate me more.

"Be prepared for what it takes to get Ren back then if your so determined to ignore my concern for your wellbeing. You might find out the price is too high a cost." Asuka laughs dryly.

"I'm already prepared to do whatever it takes to get Ren back." I'm not letting Ren's life be toyed with by her. "Now stop messing around and tell me where the hell you've taken Ren." My voice takes on a sharp and concise tone. "You don't honestly think you'll be getting away with kidnapping a kid? You should think about the consequences of your own actions. I will make you pay for touching Ren and I will get him back. This will definitely not end well for you."

"We'll see about that Haru. If your so set on getting the lousy kid back then come to the abandoned warehouse on 15th street. Right now. If you don't hurry I can't guarantee Ren's safety."

"I got it." I squeeze the words out through tight lips and she hangs up.

Wait for me Ren and I'll get you back home safe and sound in no time.


Once the man came back the woman walked confidently up to him, her hair flowing behind her as she came to a stop in front of him. "I'm going to make the call now."

"You do your part and I'll do mine." Was all he said. She smiled gracefully and nodded her head before heading out the door he'd entered in from.

When the woman left to make a call, which I had an inkling would be to Haru, the man got more aggressive with me. Since he'd slashed at my face once before with a knife I knew immediately I had to he wary of him. He clearly had a loose hold on his temper, barely even trying to rein it in.
I took a few slaps and blows to the stomach without making even the slightest sound. I even let him run his mouth about me being worthless and cuss me out to his heart's content yet when he started badmouthing Haru it filled me with so much rage I let loose a growl so pure the man might have believed I was raised by wolves.

"Your Haru is just a pathetic--" My growl tore from my throat silencing him immediately. His eyes were wide with shock and possibly fear. One of the skills I'd gained from all that time I'd spent with the dogs at Haruko-san's place was how to perfectly mimick a dog's ferocious growl.

Although I shocked him speechless for a moment he recovered from that instantly and I could not escape the harsh blow to my stomach.

"You think you can get away with acting disrespectful to me kid?" The old man sneers. "Honestly what are they teaching kids these days in school if not to respect their elders?" He moves to sit down on the chair the woman had been sitting at before and glares at me disdainfully.

I cough up blood and see bright spots flash in my vision. My consciousness starts to quickly slip from my grasp.

Haru please stay safe. My last thought before I let the darkness consume me and take me into oblivion.
Again my bad this chap took so long. I was hit with writers block and my parents have been bugging me about getting more active. School is starting Monday so I' ve been busy preparing and dealing with things. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it all. Thanks for the support as always ;)

Sincerely, River632

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