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Haru POV

Ren spent months recovering from his wounds in the hospital and I was there by his side the entire time. Ren begged me not tell anyone what had happened and for the most part, the entire thing was kept under wraps. It was nearly impossible to keep it from Haruko.

He recovered from his wounds with only a few scars surprisingly and I can't help kissing them every night thinking that they still hurt.

Using the connections I'd gained over time working as a host I took care of the woman I left behind that time. Before long news of an inmate dying brutally in a women's federal prison popped up briefly. No connection was ever made to me.

Even though Ren doesn't like it I spoil him more than ever before. Coming so close to losing him made me realize just how precious he is to me. I love him more than anything in the world. The idea of waiting before he comes of age to really touch him gnaws at me. I want to have all of him. I want to know that no one will ever be able to take him from me again.

The most I've done is leave hickey's here and there where he can't see but anyone that really looks can.


I've noticed Haru being increasingly protective of me after what happened. I don't really understand why he's doing this. However, I don't mind being so close to him. I act like I'm angry so that he doesn't notice how much I love it. Recently, my thoughts concerning Haru have begun to take a strange turn. I've been needing to take cold showers more frequently. I need Haru in a way I've never needed anyone before. Haru may not realize it but I'm already his in every way. I want him to look at me more. I want to do things that I'll only ever do with Haru. I want to be with him forever.

Haru POV

"Are you asleep?" I whisper into Ren's ear hugging him close. Even though I've been feeding all his favorite foods his body still feels so fragile.

No answer.

I slide my mouth down from his ear to his neck. I swear I feel his body tremble. I suck hard enough to leave a mark and circle my tongue around it. Sorry Ren but this has to be done. I run a hand down the front of this chest and I almost jump back at the mass poking hand when it travels farther down.

It can't be...he's awake? Shoot. I can almost feel Haruka's judging eyes glaring me from somewhere in the world. I hastily pull my hand back and move tocover Ren up. Before I can even get the cover over him he turns to me and stares deeply at me. My hand drops.


I was awake the entire time Haru was touching me but I didn't move because I knew he would stop. Yet, my body betrayed me.


"Yes Ren?" Haru glanced around nervously.

"Don't stop."

"B-but you're..."

"I don't care." I climbed on top of him and started moving against his body. I had to ask for advice from you know who to know what to do. He looked pretty uncomfortable talking to me about it but I made him spit it out.

Haru looked shocked to the core by my actions that he didn't even move until it was almost too late.

"Whoa there Ren!" He grasped my hips and pulled me gently off of him. His hands on my body were so warm. "Who taught you this?!"

"No one!" I turned away from him. My heart sunk at his refusal.

"Ren look at me." He turned my face to him and stared at me with so much love that I was speechless. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life. I want to do this with you more than you'll ever know but we have to wait. You're not ready yet."

"I am!" How could Haru not understand how deep my feelings are for him?

"All I'm asking is that you wait. It won't be long before you grow up and we can do it whenever you want. Just wait ok?" His eyes told me he wouldn't negotiate on this.

"Don't you dare lie to me Haru." I threatened him.

"The last person I would ever to lie to would be you."

"I really love you Haru." I wasn't sure if he could tell by the way I looked.

"I know."

His lips connected with my mine and slowly we sunk into peaceful bliss.


Dear Readers,

Now it has pretty much come to an end. Thank you for waiting! Should I add a smutty chapter? Apologies for any errors just wanted to get the ending out before I decide not to write anything at all. I hope that you all see this as a fitting end.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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