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Haru POV

Haru I'm here...I'm here Haru...

Ren's voice kept calling out to me with greater intensity in my head.

Hurry Haru...Hurry...

I jump out of my car and slam the door shut. I race to the door of the building and pull it open only to find a group of men clad in black suits ready fight.

They're going to wish they were already dead.


"Well I didn't sign up for this part. But to each his own. Call me back in when your done. Enjoy Ren." Asuka's voice chirps. The man just nods at her as she walks out the door.

After realizing struggling was pointless I became dead inside. The same dead I was before Haruka found me in that orphanage, before I met Haru. I never thought I'd get to the point in my life where I would feel that way again.

I know I shouldn't be selfishly wishing for Haru to come to save me since I know that if he does these people might do something even worse to him but I just don't know how to stop these feelings anymore. Lying to myself that I don't want him here is killing me.

In this dark place in my head the thoughts I shouldn't be thinking rake at my conscious.

I want him to be here. I want him look at me and tell everything is going to be alright. I want him to hold me in those strong arms of his and kiss the top of my head. And more than anything I want to be with him, forever.

Is wanting this to happen wrong of me?


Haru POV

Those guys definitely weren't messing around but neither was I. Hearing there bones snap was music to my ears. The more that kept coming, the more I alive I felt, and the redder my vision got. Almost to the point where I didn't know what I was fighting for, or for whom, I was just living in the the thrill of the moment.

When the last one went down I felt frustrated. I needed more destruction.


I hear a terrified sounding gasp and look up from the bloodied floor. A woman standing at the end of the hallway stares back at me.

She must be Asuka Miya.

The long black haired woman looks petrified, but I can see a hint of lust in her eyes. It disgusts me.

"Haru I can't believe your here. It's been so long since I've seen you face to face. I've missed--" I rush forward and slam her back against the wall.

"Ouch!" She cries out.

"Where did you put Ren? I don't mind becoming a murderer if I don't get him back." My bone-chilling tone served to make her freeze. I could feel her shivering in my grip.

"W-why are y-you being so cold to me? Don't you love me? I lo-"

"DON'T FUCKING BULLSHIT ME WHERE IS HE?!" I wrap my hand tightly around her neck. Just a little more force and I could snap it in two. I'm tempted, to say the least. For those that hurt Ren or touch what's mine I have absolutely no mercy. She grips my arm desperately trying to make me let go with that feeble strength of hers. After a couple seconds of seeing her struggle I let her go and step back.

She falls to the floor gasping for breath. "I can't-*cough*-believe you would-*cough*-do something like this to me." I step forward and she shrinks back against the wall, terror evident in her eyes.

"Tell me or I'll finish where I left off."

"A-alright! He's in the bottom floor of the wearhouse! Take those stairs down and he's behind the door at the bottom." She points to them shakily. "You might already be too late. It's just a waste of your time going to him now. Haru wait! Don't go!"

I bolt for the stairs and what I see behind that door makes me forget I'm human at all.


Hey guys I'm back! How do you like this chap? Sorry for taking so long v.v I had to rewrite it a couple times to get the situations right. I thought action would be easier to write but it kicked my butt. Bear with me I know I'm a tough cookie. Thanks for the support as always! 😊

P.s. I donated blood at the beginning of the year and I can't wait to do it again. It was my second time. The first time the lady drawing it let me hold my bag of blood. It was exciting. The after effects weren't good to me though. The first time I passed out for like half a second...I thought having my blood taken wouldn't affect my body...I was wrong. The second...almost passed out again but  I didn't...instead I threw up. That won't stop me from donating again though.💪(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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