Daniel 21th Birthday.

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I woke up from my nice dream. I look around and realize it was the important day today. Today my baby boy was born. I can't wait for today. I'm doing something later today for him. It's gonna be a special day for him( and me too!).

I hear my phone ring. It was a message from Daniel.

Babbbby 🔒- I gonna pick you up at 2 to go to my parents house.

Me- okay babe. see ya 😚

Its almost 12 and it takes for me to get ready about 2 hours to look flawless so I'll get ready.

I took a shower and wash hair. Then I blow hair. I just flat iron my hair to be straight and simple. Then i start to be on my make up. I put on my black dress and my white pumps. Then i put on my earrings and my necklace 'Babygirl' that i got it from Daniel. (whole outfit is up there☝)

Beeep. Beep. Daniel is outside waiting for me to come out. I grab my purse and my present for Daniel. I walk downstairs and went outside. I lock the door and ran to the car.

"Oh baby." He look at me with a blank expression that i cant figure out.


"Nothing just looking at a angel." Aww Daniel so sweet.

"Babe." I kissed him on the check.

"Happy birthday baby."

"Thanks you Hana. I finally 21!"

"I know but babe dont drink too much. I know you been waiting this day to drink but be careful."

"Don't worry." He start the car.

"I won't." He hold my hand as we going to his parents.

The party was fun. His whole family was here to celebrate his 21th birthday. He had this biggest smile that i can't stop looking. We danced. We sing. We eat. We drinked. We laugh. My baby all grow up and became a man. Man i glad i in love with him.

"Bye guys!" We got into the car.

"Im driving."

"Why? I'm not even drunk."

"Well I'm driving to your present." He smiled.

Daniel POV.

She drive into unfamiliar place. It was the beach. We got out and look around.

"Why we here Hana?"

"Don't you remember Daniel? This place is the first day we met." Now i remember.

I remember me and the boys were on the beach when i was 15. I saw her playing beach volleyball. I can't stop looking at her. I came up to her and start talking to her. I glad i did.

"Yes i do."

"Daniel." She grab my both of my hands.

"We been together for 7 years and it's been amazing. I went to international concert with you. Went to Disneyland. You help me thru alot of things that i can't take. Like losting my grandma and losting my dad. And i cant be with someone who not you. I love you. Matter of fact I in love with you. I know in my heart, your the one. My prince. I want us to be forever couple. I want to be Mrs Veda. So would you be the honor to marry me?"

Hana POV.

I was nervous. I don't know if he does or doesn't.


"Yes baby. Yes!"
He grab me and twirl me around and grab my face and kiss me. Now I'm Mrs Hana Veda.

A/N: OMG LUCKY!!😭😭😭 I hope you like it Mrs.Veda.😉

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