Part 15: Another Death

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//Aaron's pov//

I was finally back on MyStreet and i couldn't wait to see my little cupcake again. I walked over to his house and unlocked the door. Sinece i'm his boyfriend, he gave me a key to his house. I walked in side and looked around. Everything was a mess, i got very worried and ran to Zane's bedroom. He was on the bed crying. ''Zane, why are you crying?'' I asked. He jumped and looked at me. He was shaking a lot. He was scared. I slowly walked over to him and hugged him gently. He cried into my chest for a while before saying: ''I'm sorry Aaron'' I looked at him confused. ''Sorry for what little cupcake?'' I asked. He sobbed some more and said: '*T-T-Travis... h-h-h-he r-r-r-raped me... '' When i heard that, my  mind was full of anger. How dare he do such things to my Zane! I'm going to kill him now and end it. But first i better make sure that Zane gets better. I deciede to call Dante who is Zane's only friend now.  He agreed to come over and so he did. Once he got there, i left to take care of Travis. Unlike all the others, i trust Dante. Once he and Zane became friends, he told about the crush he has on Zane but also said he won't do anything because he is very happy just being his friend. I found Travis in some treehouse thing a bit away from the guys's house. He was asleep. Perfect, i could kill him without him screaming or trying to run away. I took my sword that i have gotten from my father and stabbed Travis in the heart. I then left to go back to Zane. Travis will never bother him again

//Zane's pov//

Me and Dante were watching My Little Horsies and eating snacks, I was begining to feel better. I just wonder what Aaron had to do, he said he would go take to Travis about it but i wasn't sure if it was true. After a while Aaron came in and sat down next to me. ''Travis won't bother you anymore'' He said. I smiled and said: ''That's great'' Then the three of us watch the show all night

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