Part 26: Back From The Dead

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//Zane's pov//

Me and Aaron hang out for a while, before he had to go to work. I deciede to to go home. Vylad had sent me a text this very morning saying that he was going to vist his boyfriend Zenix, so he wasn't at home. I slowly made my way home. I stopped not far from my house. Someone was standing there, waiting for me. They turned around and then i could see who it was

It was Travis.... but how?

//Travis's pov//

I still don't know why but i'm alive again. I woke up right next to my gravestone. I'm not a skeleton or a zombie. I checked. I was just alive. I thought about what had happend before i was killed and then i rememeber what i did to Zane. I felt really bad, i love him but i shouldn't have done that so i went to say sorry. I waited for a while when i heard footsteps coming closer. I turned around and saw Zane. I ran over to him. He tried to run away but i grabbed his arm. ''Wait Zane, i won't hurt you i promise!'' I said. He turned to look at me, with tears in his eyes. ''Look i'm so sorry for doing that to you, i know you can never forgive me for it and i understand. I just, i just really wanted you, and i let that desire controll me. I-I hope we can still be friends.... i said. He looked down for a bit. After what seemed like forever he said: ''Okay.... one chance'' I smiled a little bit and let go of his arm. ''Thanks Zane'' I said calmly. We went into his house and watch Fabulous Fly.

//Sorry that it's kinda short//

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