Chapter ⑨

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First at all I want to say sorry to everyone that watch this book!!!
I know that I haven't update like few months ago because I got writer blocks and I have been watching other book and school problem, ya know~
So,I finally got mood to write this book and thanks to Lily23904 and Annalovesdoges for letting me back to my Sonadow mode~
So I got an update for everyone and thanks for the 6k views!
And also thanks for the people who is watching this!Yes you I mean you who is watching your phone screen! XD
Shadow pov.

"Oh no you don't!"I heard someone said it and look up.........

Shadow pov.

When the moment that I look up.My eyes widen.

"Sonic?"I asked still don't believe what I have see.

"Ye~p! That me.The one and only"said Sonic smiled at me.

"You blue rat again!!"said Eggman.

"Don't you try to take my friends away from me when I am not here"said Sonic angrily.

"I am not trying.I AM taking your friends.Take this Sonic!"said Eggman aiming and shooting the missiles out.

"That won't work!"said Sonic dodge all the missiles from the Eggman and do a dashing attack.

"You may be fast but..."said Eggman and get cut off by get punch from Shadow.

"Do you forget me?"I said.

"Get down of my bot (What Eggman is always riding)"said Eggman trying to hit me.

But that impossible for Eggman.I just to fast for him.I punch him again.

"I will be back and I will get you guys next time!Ha Ha Ha.And it's hurt"said Eggman and touch where Shadow had punched him.

After Eggman run away~

No one pov.

Sonic and his friends saved all those citizens and the government bulid some emergency shelters for those citizens.

After a day work they all got tired and ready to go sleeping at the shelter.

Sonic pov.

I was going to fall asleep but Shadow call my name and told me to go out.He said got something to tell me.

I get up from bed and rub my eyes.

"What are going to tell me,Shadz."I said and yawn.Then I saw him looking straight into my eyes.

"Can you walk closer,Sonic?"he said nervously and I did what he told me to do.

"Now what,Shad..."I was cut off by he kissing me.

After a long kiss we pull away for breath.
There got a long saliva between our kiss.

I look straight at Shadow crimson red eyes.They look so bright under the moon.So beautiful.

He look back and said"I love you"

"I do feel the same."I said.

He kissed me again and wrap his arm on my shoulder.I rest my head on his shoulder.

"So are we a thing now?"asked Shadow blushing.

I blushed at his question.

"Yes"I reply him with a shy smile on my face.

"And now you are mine and I am yours."said Shadow.I didn't say anything just smile.

No one pov.

So they go to the shelter and hug together till sleeping.

But who knows that someone is watching silently and swear that he will kill Shadow for taking his prescious little Sonic...

That's it.I am so sorry that this is so short.But at least it's a chapter and Sonic come back too so next chapter should be a long ass flashback.

I hope you enjoy and try not to kill me.
Cause the cliffhanger.

Thank you for supporting me and Thanks for the 6k+ views and 200+ votes.

I will try to update as soon as possible.

One chapter one question!

So who is that person who want to kill Shadow for taking Sonic away?

leave your answer in the comments!

~Sonadow fan ♥

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