An old friend?! (I NEED HALP)

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Alesa's POV

DJ Baby Mason's POV
goo baa pffft (Time for babies to rule the world)

Adam's POV
After that long sweet (and kinda awkward) moment. The doctors told us that Y/n will faint if she regains to many of her memories at the same time. There will be nothing to worry about, we just can't have her go to school. She can't be stressed ethier, Y/n needs to be somewhere where she won't have to be stressed and will be distracted from some of her memories to avoid her fainting.

And I have the perfect idea............

-Time skip to the offices after the hospital visit brought to you by Sonic-

Still Adam's POV
I just got back to the office with Y/n and as I walked in, a lot of people were mad at me (*cough*MadMax*cough*)
Anyway, the first to come up to me was Max.
"WHERE WERE YOU!! WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUDGING RECORDING!!!!!!!!(infinite exclamation marks)!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at me (I know Max uses stronger words than "fudge" but I hate saying/writing swear words and strong language so deal with it). "Relax Mad Max." I replied chuckling. He glared at me while walking away. "Hey Adam?" someone questioned. It was Re-  um I mean YOUTUBE SENSATION REDVACTOR! "Hey what's up?!" I replied. "Who is this with you?"

Chances (Adopted by SkythekidRS/Adam)Where stories live. Discover now