Mated Under the Full Moon

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Hey guys :) So here's another werewolf story for you guys... As you will soon realize, its not in the typical format I write in. You will discover, it is actually written in 3rd person. So why is that? Because it's not me writing it... Completely. One of my friend read my werewolf stories and wanted to make one of her own but she didn't want to make a hassle out of making an account so she's posting it on my account. She wants to stay anonymous so we'll call her Caroline (swear on the river styx that's not her actual name). So she'll write, send it to me, and then I'll add some stuff (only a little) and I'll post it. I don't know her posting/writing habits so lets hope it's not like me :) Enjoy!

Meena Woodrow, with her soft billowing brown hair and matching chocolate eyes, sat relaxed against the trunk of the tree. She peered up at the sky and had to squint as the rays of the sun beat directly to her eyes.

“Mimi! Mimi! Mimi!” chanted little Roderick Daniels. Like Meena, he was 5 years of age.

Meena smiled, turning towards her best friend, whom she had only known for a week but already loved.

“Roddy!” she exclaimed, jumping on her feet and running to the boy with fiery red hair and emerald green eyes.

Meena dove right at Roderick, sending him flying back and falling with a soft thud to the lush green grass. She buried her nose in Roderick’s chest. Although he was only 3 weeks older than her, he was so much bigger, she thought.

“Leaving me out of the fun?”

Both kids on the ground looked up to see their other friend, Ryker Stevens, ever the charmer with his devilishly good looks even at 6-years-old. Everyone could tell he was the leader of this group, which started not too long ago. He was the older onem and always the one with the mischievous ideas that often got the children in trouble.

“Ry!” Meena, who had convinced herself that Ryker was going to be her Prince Charming, stood on her foot and forced a wet kiss on his lips.

Ryker, who was amused more than anything, didn’t pull away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around Meena’s petite little body and squeezed his eyes tightly shut. He had seen the adults close their eyes when they kiss like this, and I’m an adult, he thought with a smile.

“Aren’t they cute?”

Mrs. Toni Stevens and Mrs. Celeste Woodrow stood staring at their little ones. They were well into their late 30s, but like all of their kind, had kept a youthful look that any human would be jealous of.  

Meena pulled back quickly, blushing abashedly at the mothers staring at her and Ryker.  

“You show him who’s the woman, Mimi,” Celeste said, looking endearingly at her little daughter, her eyes crinkling up in laughter.

“Mama,” Meena whined. She wanted to be a big girl. And according to Ryker, who like Roderick, she met a week before, said that to be considered a big kid, your parents shouldn’t be smothering you all the time. Once Meena heard the smart sounding word that Ryker had used, she knew he was telling the truth.

Mated Under the Full MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora