Mated Under the Full Moon (5)

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Hey guys :) So this upload is a bit shorter compared to the previous ones, but it's also a bit more serious (but not anything too serious) than the others as well. Caroline will be uploading the next one so the message will be hers. Thanks for all the support for Caroline, she's really thankful. Enjoy!

“Bow down to me!” I laughed. It almost scared me at how dark and ominous my voice sounded at the moment as I laid on top of the boys, having tackled them both down.

“I’m your Alpha, don’t command me.”

Rod’s voice sounded muffled as his face was pressed against the carpeted floor. Lucky for him it was there to cushion his fall, not that hardwood would’ve even made a scratch on him or anything.

“Yes, and I’m your Beta, you get off.”

I scoffed. “I think we’re doing the friend roles right now, I don’t have to listen.”

Ryker wiggled from underneath me. “Get your fat ass off me!”

I laughed, purposely grinding my backside against him.

“Get off!”

It was my wolf instincts that made me get off them. I narrowed my eyes at Roderick, who along with Ryker stood up and brushed themselves off.

“You. Did. Not. Just. Do. That.”

My eyes were slits as I fumed. I cannot believed he just used his Alpha voice at me, and a small matter as such.

He looked at me sheepishly. “Sorry, you wouldn’t get off.”

“As if that’s any excuse,” I snapped. “Roderick James Daniels, you swear you won’t do that again to me right now. Right now!”

Roderick backed down a bit, looking sorry. He even flinched at the harshness of my tone.

“Meena,” he said softly.

Not able to contain myself, I burst out in laughter. “Should’ve seen your face. Priceless!”

“She got your ass,” Ryker said, snickering. He turned to me and winked. “Good one, you conniving minx.”

I stuck my tongue out at him and looked around. I frowned. “I feel like this is the first time in forever that we’ve hung out since you’ve been given higher positions. I’m so left out of the loop.”

“Oh Mimi, pack doctor is a big deal too,” Roderick reasoned with me.

“I’m only training, I’m not one yet,” I reminded him.

“But one day you will,” Ryker assured me. “And then you’ll catch up. You’ve always been one to be behind anyways.”

I slapped him lightly on his arm, but laughed.

It felt nice, and I was thankful for this little bonding time we had. Lately, with all the drastic changes, it feels like we haven’t talked in forever. Ryker, who was a big flirt, but luckily didn’t do much more than that, hadn’t even really bothered in any fan girls lately due to the amount of work he’d been going through since he wasn’t that much prepared. Neither was Roderick. But who could blame them, the position just sort of dropped on their hands all of a sudden. They had to grasp and take control of it. Honestly, I think they did a pretty good job considering they did this with little to no preparation.

The moment was ruined when a cell rang. I looked around, only to smile sheepishly when I realized it was my phone.

“Hello?” I answered without looking at the caller I.D.

“Mimi, it’s me,” it was Melinda, and she sounded sort of urgent. “I need you to come to the clinic right now.”

“Wait. What?” I almost shrieked. The boys looked at me in concern. I dismissively waved them away, trying to focus on what Mel was saying. The boys, however, stayed stubbornly at my side.

“It’s John,” she explained. And that’s all I needed to go bolting out the door. The boys, seeming to have recognized that there was a problem, rushed behind me. John, Rod’s dad, was like a second/third father to me. I hoped to the dear Moon goddess that nothing was truly wrong, but from the panicked voice Mel had, I couldn’t exactly wish for the best. Tears were already threatening to spill. Rod would be totally devastated if anything happened. As Alpha, his emotions had to be stable, but could it be if anything happened to John?

We reached the clinic in no time. I saw that Mel had laid out some changing clothes and we all shifted back and changed into the scrubs.

Before I could run in, Rod took my hand, pulling me to a stop.

“What’s wrong, Mimi?” he asked, concern etched all over his face as he saw the tears rolling down my face like a waterfall.

“Rod, I’m so sorry, it’ll be okay,” I said, hugging him tightly.

His body grew tense. “What’s wrong?”

“Your dad-“

Before I could finish, he was already half way to the clinic. Ryker and I rushed after him.

There, on the gurney was John; he was bleeding profusely at the side. His face looked extremely grave and pale.

Once Mel said me, she beckoned me over, handing me a pair of gloves.

“I’m going to need you to keep calm, alright? I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I need you to be strong and assist me. Can you handle that?”

Numbly, I nodded. I turned to Rod who had his head between his knees.

Everything will be all right Rod.


About 3 hours later, the operation was done. My hands were shaky and I was deadbeat. As I stepped out, Rod immediately rushed to my side, grabbing my forearm.

Without needing to say anything, I knew what he wanted to know.

A small smile was on my lips. “Everything’s fine,” I said. “He just lost a lot of blood but it’s fine now, he’s sleeping now but you can in there and see him.”

He nodded. Behind him, I saw his mom. She looked at me and mouthed, “Thanks,” before walking in behind her son.

I spotted Ryker sitting off to the side and joined him.

“Hey,” I said softly.

Without turning to me, he said, “You should have seen him out here.”

I nodded. “I would be freaked too.”

“So apparently on his way home, there were rogues that attacked him, knowing that he was once Alpha. Luckily, the Alpha of the nearby pack found out and led him back here.”

“That’s good,” I muttered.

Ryker finally turned to me. “You’re turning out to be an amazing pack doctor in training.”

I smiled.

“I would hug you…” I trailed off, looking down at my blood stained scrubs.

“I guess this will have to do for the moment,” he said, leaning over and kissing the spot right by my lips. I blushed as I watched him nonchalantly stand up and walk into the room.

I pondered why he did that, but then mentally slapped myself for analyzing that meager kiss. It probably didn’t even mean anything to him. It was just a replacement of a hug. Totally innocent. I sighed as I stood up, confused. I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself, changing into some sweats that was in Mel’s office.

When I came out, I saw Mel. She smiled in my direction. She gave me two thumbs up.

“Good job, Meena. Everyone is so proud.”

I smiled, also proud that I was to keep calm during the operation. I knew that I had to. If I didn’t, it could’ve risked John’s life and in turn hurt Roderick.

And for some strange reason, I never wanted to see Rod hurt.

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