Mated Under the Full Moon (11)

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Heyy! Another upload, yay!! So I feel like this is a bit of a sad chap, at least for me it was kinda sad to write. Anywayyss, like I had already mentioned this story will be wrapped up soon. I have yet to decide whether or not I will upload another story or retire all together... Hmmm... Enjoy!

“Hi Meena.”

I spun around and was disappointed to find it was Nate. I haven’t seen either of the boys since both of their confessions. I also haven’t gotten any closer to figuring out what I want either.

“Oh hey.”

He narrowed his eyes at me before beckoning someone behind me to come forth. “Well a little enthusiasm would’ve been nice, but never mind that. I want you to meet someone.”

A girl who looked uncannily like Nate appeared at his side sporting a shy, bright smile. Her blue toned black hair, obviously dyed, covered half of her face.

“This is my sister Natasha,” he said, his hand resting reassuringly on the girl’s shoulder.

“Hi,” I said politely, offering a smile.

“Hi,” she said back softly.

“Natasha is here for the mating ceremony,” he explained. “My brother decided it would be nice for her to go early as well considering she’s going to be pack doctor in the future.”

“Really?” I asked, excitement coursing through me at the fact that I met another pack doctor. Ever since beginning training to become one, I took great pride in it and am always glad to meet another.

She nodded gently next to her brother’s side.

“She looks a bit young,” I said, returning my attention to Nate.

“She’s actually only a few months younger than you. In fact, she’s technically my cousin, but her parents died and mine adopted her at a young age.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed.

“I don’t remember them at all, but thank you,” she said, offering a small smile.

“So where are you headed?” Nate asked, hugging Natasha closer to his side before releasing her completely.

“Um, I’m heading towards Rod’s house,” I said.

“Hm, I was wondering where he was. Usually Rod, Ry, and you are attached at the hips. With you in the middle, of course.”

“We haven’t talked since the mating ball,” I responded sadly.

He frowned. “Trouble in paradise?”

I ignored his question and instead veered the conversation to a different direction. “So how has the alliance been coming along?”

He shrugged. “Good, I guess. My brother is pretty happy with all the arrangements, and as Alpha, he knows having an alliance with your pack would be a good idea.”

I smiled. “That’s good. Well, if you don’t mind, I have to head off now.”

“Hey, if it wouldn’t be a bother, could you show Nattie around? I’m due for a Skype conference with my pack and the council so I’d be leaving her alone.”

“No problem, I’ll take her.”

Nate thanked me and then walked away while Natasha followed behind me like a puppy as I walked over to Rod’s house.

“So are you excited about the mating ceremony?” I asked as we reached the porch of Rod’s house.

She shrugged, looking off in the distance. “I didn’t want this,” she whispered finally just as I had rung the doorbell.

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