Mated Under the Full Moon (4)

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Surprise! Another quick and sorta lengthy upload :) So Caroline worked extra hard to get this one out because she won't be able to upload at all this weekend as she has some things to do dealing with wrestling... But be glad she's uploading so quickly! Also, she's here with me, so she'll give you a little note :)

Caroline: Hey guys! *waves dramatically* I'm so glad you like the story so far and this feels kinda awk typing like I'm actually talking to someone.... But thanks for everything, and yeah... *bows and makes exit*

Haha, back to me! So yes, Caroline wants you guys to know she's very thankful for your support :) And as you may be able to catch on from this chap, my friends a little pervy as this chap and future uploads will illustrate!! Nothing extreme, keeping it PG 13 for the kiddies :) Enjoy!

“No,” I hissed. “Absolutely not!”

I shied away from my sister, who looked annoyed.

“Oh suck it up,” Melinda rolled her eyes. She pulled away her arm and decided to do the job herself instead of convincing me to take over like she had been doing for the past few minutes.

I felt slightly nauseous staring at the large wound on the patient’s arm. It looked like the arm was barely hanging on, and to the point where it was almost severed. I held in the urge to throw up as it would be rude to the patient as well as highly frowned upon as pack doctor in training.

Melinda, with ease, gave the patient a numbing shot as she cleaned the wound. Without even blinking an eye, she took small tongs and removed pieces of debris that caught in the wound and then stitched up the wound.

“Return in a couple weeks and keep the wound away from water,” she directed with a kind smile that doctors usually wore. “And take the painkillers if needed. Don’t overdose though.” She winked at the patient before watching him head out.

I sighed a big breath of relief when he left. I was so not cut out for this. I felt just sick imagining it. Image, be gone!

“Coward,” Melinda muttered as she brushed by me to get out and bring in another patient. I sat on the twirling swivel chair as I waited for her return. Amusing myself, I spun myself until I was forced to quit when I got dizzy. I just sat there silently, staring at the pastel blue colored walls with prints of little lions and zebras.

Deep in thought, I questioned if I was really ready. It was already half way through the day and I still don’t have the stomach to see a large gash on a patient without wanting to puke out the nonexistent breakfast I had.

“Meena, can you handle this little one?” Mel asked when she came behind the curtains again a minute later. Tottering behind her was a small pup, no older than 5. He looked scared as he clutched tightly onto a stuffed animal. His big blue eyes shone with fear as he took his surroundings in.

I nodded, glad that he didn’t have any big gashes.

“He needs his height, weight checked, the usual check-up,” Mel explained to me as she handed me a clipboard, and pulled the curtain back slightly and left.

It turned to the boy and saw that his eyes were wide with fright. He looked a little lost.

I kneeled down the boy’s height and smiled kindly, and trying to comfort him. I wanted to make it as painless for him as possible, which in turn would make it easier on me. He looked like he might just cry any second.  

“What’s your name, honey?” I asked, taking a stethoscope and checking his heart rate. “Deep breath for me, babe.”

He did as he was told, but shakily.

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