Mated Under the Full Moon (3)

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Hey loves! So as you've been warned previously, the POV have changed... It is no longer in 3rd person.... However, if you guys prefer it, we'll always change it back. Also thank "Caroline" for the length of the chaps and the quick uploads :) Another thing, expect a message from Caroline in the next upload, I convinced her to upload herself and add a little author's message so she just might! Enjoy!

I woke up with a start. I looked at the clock, which silently blinked the time. 5:02. I woke up an hour too early, but who could blame me? With last night’s events, I was surprised I slept at all.

I was actually more than excited at the fact that I would be able to find my mate so soon. Jason, on the other hand, was less than happy about the news. When my mom had shared the news with him last night, he didn’t leave it unsaid about how he thought I was way too young, and I shouldn’t be held down by something like this. But I didn’t care for his opinion. If I had wanted it, I would’ve asked.

Although, there was an underlying feeling of nausea for me when I thought about it. I didn’t want to turn out like my mom. I didn’t want to become a widow who would forever pine for her lost mate. I didn’t want to settle with someone who could only bring me comfort for a little while. I didn’t want someone who wasn’t my mate. Period.

I was scared of heartbreak. My mom suffered harshly with it. I knew the effects. I had witnessed a first account of it, and it wasn’t pretty. Not that I expected anyone that lost his or her mate to feel dandy about it. But I’m strong. Stronger than my mom? Maybe. But am I strong enough when it comes down to it? The thought makes my nerves tingle, but I push aside the depressing thoughts as I try to fill my head with happier things.

I want to connect with someone. I’d been holding off with boys and the whole dating scene because I want to make sure I have all my firsts with my mate so I don’t have the need to compare, not that my mate would compare to anyone anyways.

I always wonder what my mate would be like. Hopefully, it won’t be a dirty player.

I would be more than lucky to get someone like Roderick or Ryker, who both, from experience, I can say respect women.  At least they respect me, and that’s more than I can say with any human guy.

I sigh and go back to sleep, knowing that if I don’t, I’d fall asleep sometime later in class at school.


“Alpha Daniels,” Ryker jokingly addressed when he climbed in Roderick’s car.

Rod clenched his jaws, but didn’t say anything. He was already acting very Alpha- like. Alphas were supposed to always keep their calm, no matter the outrageousness, and at the moment, Ry was being outrageous.

“Cut it out,” I sighed. Rod was already stressed, I could tell, and didn’t need this crap.

Roderick sent me a thankful glance. In response, I took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

“You’ll be a great Alpha,” I told him. “You were born to do it.”

Ryker scoffed, but didn’t make a comment. Instead, he slid down in the back seat and closed his eyes.

The ride to school was short, yet, at the same time, it was long. Everyone was so tense, especially Roderick. Luckily for him, we go to a public school where humans roam the halls too. No one would be likely be bombarding him or somehow publicizing that he was in fact a werewolf.

“We’re here, Ryker,” I called to the backseat. Ryker sat up with complete slowness. He rubbed his eyes and transferred to the front seat without word. He peeled out of the school parking lot quickly.

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