7 Years Later

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  35 Chapter 4: 6 years later
6 years later

The metallic sound of clashing swords filled the air. Two trainees were fighting with training claymores. One of them was a boy with short light blond hair. His skin was quite pale even for a half-Yoma trainee. His features were sharp. He frowned and tried to put more strength into his blows, but that was useless. His opponent was far too fast for him. The girl with long hair that she wore as a high ponytail dodged his attacks without putting much effort into it. It was quite obvious that her superior speed outmatched him by far. Sometimes she even disappeared from his vision. Then their swords clashed together again, but one of the training claymores fell to the ground a few meters away.

The girl with the ponytail held her sword to the boy's throat. He just starred at her. Her look was a bit listless, like she was looking right through him. "It seems that I am victorious" she said. The girl closed her eyes, mad a step backward and lowered the sword. "Dammit!" he hissed angry. A boy behind them laughed. "Hey, Andrew how does it feel to lose against a girl?" the tall one teased. "Shut up, Anthony! I just have a bad day!" Andrew answered and looked angry at him.

"Forgive my rudeness, but during our entire fight you didn't even stand a chance against me. Your blows were too weak and clumsy not to mention your lack of speed. If this had been a real battle your head would have come off in the first few minutes. Your comment that you have a bad day is no excuse for your incapability to wield a sword properly." They looked surprised at the girl with the ponytail. She looked at them with her cold silver eyes. Before Andrew could respond, Anthony burst out laughing.

"This chick doesn't beat around the bush. Well, she's got a point. She kicked your butt."

"Just shut up! No one wants to hear your shit!" Andrew was close to punch him in the face and most likely to break his nose while doing that.

"Oh, come on, don't be so easily upset! Next time you'll win" Anthony replied to calm him down.

"Highly unlikely" the girl answered. Anthony grinned. Andrew just clenched his fist, but didn't say anything. Now matter how much she pissed him off, he couldn't win against her. She was too fast! Sometimes he couldn't even see her! She was the fastest among all trainees. And not enough she was also quite strong. This girl...Elisha was too strong for him. Too strong for nearly everyone. Anthony was just acting so cocky, because she had beaten him just yesterday. He still had the bruise.

Anthony chuckled. Then the tall blond boy made a step forward and raised his sword. "Okay, let's continue our battle from yesterday." But instead of preparing herself Elisha answered, "I am sorry, but I don't have time for another round. I still have some other duties. If you excuse me, I have to go." And without saying another word she left.

"Shit! What was that about? I wanted to fight her!" Anthony growled.

"So you wanted to lose again?" Andrew said grinning.

"You think you're pretty funny, don't you?" he answered. He sighed and ran his fingers through his long blond hair. "Doesn't look like I'm going fight against someone interesting. I guess I have to fight against you instead, Andrew. This is going to be entertaining."

"You are going down!" Andrew answered, while raising his sword.

"Sorry, but before you chop of his head, Anthony, I would like to test your strength" a cheerful voice said behind him. Again it was a girl. But she had two pigtails and she was paler than Elisha. Also her expression was different. While Elisha always looked distant and cold this girl looked exhilarated.

Both knew who she was. Her name was Nila. The other one of the two only girls within the organisation and the creepiest of all trainees. She was always in a good mood and had quite a loose mouth. She was like most of the male trainees. Loud and cocky, but unlike the other ones she had the necessary power to be like that. There hadn't been a single occasion where she would have lost a fight. Nila had never been even close to losing. Her asset wasn't speed and agility like Elisha, although she was everything but slow.

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