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  35 Chapter 7: Assignment

"There's a village three days to the east. It seems that a couple of Yomas feed on the villagers. Eliminate them!" the man in the dark cloak said to her. Nila turned her face to the east. She couldn't sense anything. The village was out of her range, but if she would hurry, she could be there within a day. "I'm on my way" Nila replied and started walking.

"There's one more thing, Thirteen" the man added. She turned around. "Yes, Orsay?" Nila asked and hid her annoyance. Her handler had proven to be a bit melodramatic. Always holding back some information till the last second and then telling her, when she was already leaving.

It was her second month as a warrior and she was doing more than well. The tasks she had been given had been no challenge for her. Killing Yoma had proven to be very easy no matter how many of them fought against her. Dealing with the humans on the other hand had been quite hard. They had always not taken her seriously because she was a woman. A female Claymore was a rare sight indeed, but this mistrust in her abilities was quite annoying.

She had managed to make them keep their distance. Nila had never realized it, but she was fairly intimidating when she wanted to be. Her silver eyes and her strange look scared the humans and that was good. Nila didn't like humans. They were so...strange. So different from her. Their look and their smell and even their behaviour somehow disgusted her. Actually deep down inside of her she felt hatred towards them, but she didn't know why. All in all she preferred to stay away from them, especially while she was working.

"After you've done the job stay close to the village. Three more warriors will arrive there. You have been assigned to an Awakened Being hunt."

"Oh? What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to be sent to a hunt that soon. Do you know who the leader of this hunting party will be?"

"The organizations Number 8. Steve of the Blood Eyes."

"The Eye of the organization... I can't wait to see him in a battle! I heard he's one of the few warriors who can release enough Yoki to change his body without awakening."

"Yes, his will is very impressive...Although you seem to be able to go even further."

Nila silently cursed him. How the hell did he find that out? Elisha and she had just once tested their limits and then they had never released more than 30 percent. And during those two months there hadn't been a single occasion where she had needed to even use 5 percent of her Yoki. So how did he find that out?

"Well informed as always. It's true I could go further, but honestly I don't need to. I'm strong enough without that."

He smirked. Nila didn't like that reaction. She didn't like it at all.

"You don't believe me? Or is it not adequate for a Number 13 to say something like that?"

"Your strength is something that is unquestionable. I heard of your achievements in the past and I saw how you deal with Yomas. You have a great potential. It would be surprising if you wouldn't be promoted quite soon."

She raised her eyebrows unbelieving. "I have never heard so much praise from you. Do you think I will die during the hunt? If you imply that by your comments then I have to disappoint you. I'm not going to die, no matter who the opponent is."

"Motivation is an important factor during a battle. The chance of a promotion should improve your enthusiasm."

She turned her head away. "Well, it does sound nice. However, my enthusiasm was never a problem up to now. By the way, any clue who the Awakened Being is?"

"The Awakened Being is the former Number 8, Maxwell."

"You seem to be quite sure about that. I suppose the "Eye" gave you this information."

"Yes, but what proves his supposition is the condition of the bodies the monster left. Most of them had been cut to shreds."

"And how does that prove that this monster is Maxwell?"

"You should know that his nickname was Maxwell the Swordstorm. His technique allowed him to strike faster than most of the warriors. An impressive technique but in the end not powerful enough to raise his rank above 8."

"So he was an offensive warrior? That's interesting."

"This information is useful to you?"

"Of course. Now I know what I should expect and I know that he's not good at regenerating. That will prove to be very helpful during the battle."

"I see."

"Before I leave I would like to ask you something. Isn't it a bit risky to send the current Number 8 to a fight against the former Number 8? I would expect them to be quite equally in power, before Maxwell awakened of course. The monster's power must have surpassed Steve's by far now that he's an Awakened Being."

"It has been decided like that. But after all, the "Eye" doesn't fight alone."

"I suppose I will have to help him out. Well, if that was all, I will go no. We'll see us after the hunt." Nila walked away. Her heart was beating faster. She felt quite excited. Her first Awakened Being hunt would start in a few days. The first real battle she would fight. She was eager to test her strength. Nila wanted to know if she was more powerful than the Awakened Being. If she was able to fight it as easily as the normal Yomas. A grin appeared on her face, while she was heading to her next destination.

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