A Friendly Chat

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  35 Chapter 11: A Friendly Chat
A Friendly Chat

A few days later at the border of the territories of Number 8 and 7

"And Steve? How was your hunt?" the tall warrior asked. His face was soft and friendly. He wore his long, straw blond hair as a loose ponytail. His ears were pointed just like Steve's but the left one was a bit damaged. A part was missing. "Heard it was the former Number 8 Maxwell."

The "Eye" was sitting beside the campfire and was looking at the Number 7 who was practising his sword movements.

"Yes, it was Maxwell."

"And how was it? Fighting against an awakened single-digit?"

"Frightening." Some minutes passed. Steve's friend was obviously waiting for a more detailed answer, but the "Eye" remained silent.

The Number 7 raised his eyebrows.

"Frightening? That's all you can say about it? What's wrong with you? Usually you tell me everything about your hunts."

"Fighting against someone this powerful is frightening. I don't know how else to describe it. Deal with it. But how was your hunt, Michael? Who was it?"

The warrior closed his eyes and swung his blade faster. "Someone ranked in the twenties. I didn't bother to ask for his name. He was a defensive type. Damn annoying to fight."

"Judging from your ear he was a bit more powerful than you thought" Steve teased.

Michael groaned. "I hope you wouldn't notice, but yes. I misjudge one of his attacks."

"Lucky you were fast enough to dodge it."

Number 7 frowned like he was remembering something unpleasant. Then he said "I have to admit...I wasn't fast enough."

"What? You mean..." Steve looked shocked.

"I was saved by one of the other team members." Michael looked embarrassed. Steve simply rolled his eyes.

"And? What's so bad about that? They are there for that. To assist you" the "Eye" shook his head slightly. His best friend's pride was sometimes quite annoying.

"I know, but...it...was a girl" Michael mumbled while scratching the back of his head.

"WHAT? You had a girl in your party too?" Steve asked unbelieving. Another girl? Number 13 wasn't the only one?

"Wait. You also had a female warrior in your team? Seriously? Wow, that's quite a...coincidence. Considering the fact that female warriors are...brand new."

"Yeah, quite. Who was it?"

"Can't remember. I thought it wasn't important who she..."

"This girl saved your ass! You know exactly who she is! Swallow your damn pride and tell me!" Steve demanded.

"Okay, okay! Her name was Elisha and her rank was 14. Satisfied?"

"No, not really."



"What was the name of your female member?"

"Nila. Rank 13."

"Wow. Both are quite high ranked, aren't they?" Michael said.


Number 7 sat down beside his friend. He looked at Steve seriously and said "You know, you can tell me what's bothering you. I'm your best friend after all. Besides you didn't look so worried since you were assigned to your first hunt."

Steve sighed. "It's just...How was this Elisha doing during the hunt?"

Michael was thinking for some moments. Then he answered "Pretty well. Better than the Number 12 for sure. And damn she was fast! You know I saw the Number 2 in battle and he's the fastest warrior alive, so I'm not easily impressed regarding speed, but this Elisha was just...You couldn't see her for most of the time! And not a single time the monster hit her! Really. It was like she knew what this thing was going to do" Steve's eyebrows raised slightly. This ability sounded familiar "Wouldn't be surprised if we would see her in the single digits someday."

"I see."

"And how was this Nila doing?"

"Equally impressive. She was the only one who stayed unharmed. Even I was wounded by this creature. And she was able to parry the strikes of Maxwell..."

"Wait a second! She could parry the strikes of Maxwell? Maxwell the Swordstorm? The one with the lightning fast attacks? You've got to be kidding!" Michael said unbelieving. He had met Maxwell, before he had awakened. He knew all too well how fast his attacks had been.

"It's true. I was shocked myself. And...at the end of the battle I realised that she would have been enough to kill the Awakened Being." Steve frowned. Obviously he was bothered by this fact.

"...A Number 13? Strong enough to kill an awakened Number 8? That's unbelievable! Simply not possible!" Michael said serious.

"But she was strong enough! She didn't even release her Yoki!"

"Maybe Maxwell wasn't as strong as everyone thought."

"I'm the "Eye"! I never make mistakes regarding Yoki sensing! He was as strong!"

"Alright. Then those two are strong enough to be in the single digits. Big deal. It's not worth it to worry about that" Michael answered.

"That's not it. I got her to release 10 percent of her Yoki. I was curious, because she was hiding her true strength inside her. She didn't even realise it, but instinctively she created a weaker aura around her true aura. Like every strong warrior does."

"You mean the same thing that Isley, Rigaldo and Dauf do? Hiding their auras beneath a weaker layer?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, exactly that. Did you sense something like that on Elisha?"

"Well...could be. I'm not sure. Unlike you I have to concentrate on other things, while killing monsters."

"Very funny."

"And? How strong was her aura when she released her Yoki?"

"It was...amazing. I have never felt such an enormous aura before. Such power within such a tiny little body! It was frightening and exciting at the same time. This girl has the power of a monster!" Steve said silently "And she doesn't even know that she's so much stronger. I think that she will become one of the top ranking warriors."

Michael tilted his head. After some moments he answered "Well, I wouldn't mind if those two would become top ranking warriors. They are certainly more likeable than Dauf or Roger or Warren. They're all assholes."

Steve suddenly smiled. "You just like the idea of female warriors, don't you?"

"And? What's bad about that? I mean Elisha was kind of...cute."

"When you say cute you mean hot, right?"

"Well...yeah. Should have seen her without her armour..." Michael was grinning.

"Okay, stop right there. If I want to listen to something like that I would go to Joel not you."

"Gods, you are no fun!"

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