The Swordsman's last battle

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Chapter 10: The Swordstorm's last battle
The Swordstorm's last battle

The four warriors walked over the plains. Only a few trees stood there. None of them said something. Everyone was focused and their bodies were tense. They could sense the monster's presence. Its Yoki was undeniable powerful. It was less than a mile ahead of them. Nila felt that it was in its true form. At least it didn't waste time. She took a deep breath. For the first time Nila was nervous. She had never felt such an enormous aura. "So that's the power of an awakened single digit. We better not lose!"

Then they could see it. First a shadow then a clear silhouette. It seemed to be expecting them. But that wasn't surprising. None of the party members tried to hide his Yoki.

Then its monstrous shape moved towards them. It looked like a gigantic spider with the torso of a human. Its skin was black with a shade of blue like the wings of a raven. Instead of arms there were at least fifty long and sharp metallic claws. They were not less than three meters long. "I see how his technique manifested in his new form" she thought. Now only twenty meters parted them form the creature. Its face looked human except that its eyes were golden. Curled dark brown hair fell into its face.

"So you are the unfortunate warriors who are sent to kill me?" it asked slightly smiling. Its voice was sweet and calm. It didn't look at the warriors as a threat that was obvious. The famous arrogance of the Awakened Beings.

Steve drew his sword. "Yes, we are. But the one who is unfortunate is you. Maxwell, former Number 8 of the organization, we have been sent to take your head." Like that had been a silent sign, the other three warriors drew their claymores too.

"And who are you? A single digit I suppose and the leader of this hunting party" the Awakened Being answered.

"My name is Steve of the Blood Eyes. I'm the "Eye" of the organization and the current Number 8" he replied.

Maxwell raised his eyebrows. "They sent the one who replaced me? I really would have expected a higher rank. I'm a bit disappointed. But looking at you makes me feel so nostalgic. How odd!"

Then his look caught Nila. "A woman? That is surprising! Since when does the organization create female warriors?"

Instead of Steve, Nila answered "Someone who is going to die doesn't have to know that."

"Oh! How confident! But I'm afraid that you are the ones who will die. But I will have my fun with you, don't worry. Especially with you." he pointed with his claws at Nila. "You look quite delicious. Torturing you before I will devour you, will surely wake my appetite. So let's begin our little game. I'm really looking forward to it!"

It jumped and landed between the warriors. In the last second they were able to evade from its striking claws. They were moving so fast that Nila couldn't see them. But...relieved she realized that she could sense its strikes. The amount of Yoki it used made it very easy to predict its movements. Its claws shot towards her. She dodged.

Although the creature was fighting four warriors at once, it was able to defend every one of their attacks. This monster was powerful! Again she felt claws coming towards her. Nila leaped to the side, and while jumping she cut the claws. Satisfied she saw the purple blood of the Awakened Being.

For a while the warriors were fighting like this. The three lower ranked warriors tried to distract it, while Steve was mostly attacking. He did hurt the creature, but he was also hurt during that. Scratches and cuts were on his hands and legs. Cleo and Niel had been also hurt, but their cuts were deeper and longer. Only Nila remained unhurt, due to her special skill.

The Awakened Being jumped again and landed in front of Nila and Steve. Niel was on its right side and Cleo behind it. Suddenly the Number 13 sensed what the monster was going to do. "Watch out, Cleo!" she screamed, but it was too late. Nila saw how the claws of the creature cut Cleo's legs with insane speed to shreds. Blood painted the grass crimson red. "Bastard!" she hissed. At least Number 18 was still alive. If he really was such a superb defensive warrior, he would be able to regenerate his legs. He couldn't be called the Indestructible without a reason. But there was no way he could fight now. He would need quite some time to regenerate his legs. And the other ones had to give him this time.

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