A Good Captain

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  35 Chapter 16: A Good Captain
A Good Captain

"What shall we do about her? I mean how do we deal with her?" James whispered into Joel's ear. The three male warriors were walking five meters behind the Number 4, who was leading them through a rocky area.

After their fight she had behaved like the politest and friendliest warrior of all time. Yet every time she had said something there was this slightly unsettling undertone. The three warriors found her very creepy. "What do you mean by "how do we deal with her"? We will follow her orders and stay out of her way. She's a top-ranking warrior after all" Joel answered whispering. Yes, that was what he was intending to do. Avoid every chance that could provoke this obviously superior warrior.

"You do realise that I can hear your every word?" the woman said softly. The eyes of the warriors widened in shock. She chuckled silently. "You don't have to look so scared. I like you. You have proven to be fine warriors. I won't do you any harm" she assured them. For some seconds there was dead silence.

"Which one of you has been informed about me?" she asked "Obviously you are quite afraid of provoking or disagreeing with me at all and not just because I'm a top-ranking warrior."

"My handler told me about you, Captain" Joel answered truthfully.

"Oh, is that so? That's why you look like you would wet yourself at any minute."

His jaw dropped.

"Relax. I'm only joking. But you do look afraid. Perhaps because I'm an insane warrior with the power of a monster?"

"Of course not!" James answered a bit too fast.

She smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. The sunlight was caught in it. It looked absolutely beautiful "Don't lie to me. That's exactly the reason why you are afraid, because I'm mentally unstable."

"Why do you..." Joel started but was cut off by her.

"Oh please. It's hard to miss those rumours the organization spreads about me. But I can't be mad at them. After all it's true. I am insane."

"You are what?" James asked shocked.

She stopped and turned around. On her face was a friendly smile and it seemed honest. "Insane. Mentally unstable. Disturbed or all the other things they say about me. I have to say that I prefer the term "monster". It sounds less...dumb and far more dangerous."

The other three didn't know how to respond to that. After some moments (or minutes) Nicholas managed to say "May I ask you why you believe you are insane?"

"Yes, you may" she answered kindly "I always like to answer questions, which are so politely and carefully worded." She stretched her arms. "How about we rest here? It's already late and if I have to tell you my whole life story it might take a while."

The men exchanged a few looks. Then they stuck their swords in the ground and leaned against them. "My! How obedient you all are!" the female said smiling. She sat down herself, but leaned against a tree instead of her claymore.

"So...you wanted to know why I agree with the organization."

Dead silence.

"Don't worry. I might be a bit mad but I'm not an Awakened Being. You have to know that a while ago I just wasn't able to handle the huge amount of power inside my body. My fear and doubts completely blocked my potential. It was quite inconvenient."

She sighed. Obviously she didn't like to remember how weak she had been in her earlier life.

"But I soon came to realise that there was something inside of me that was able to handle my power. That a side of me is strong and without any fear. And slowly but surely I acted more like this side of me. I became it. Now I'm determined, focused and absolutely deadly. Unfortunately that doesn't make me very social. I...am quite direct and I don't bother with unimportant things. Oh, and of course I can be dangerous for other warriors, but I guess you've already heard that."

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