Working Night and Day

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It was almost quitting time at the bustling coffee shop down town, Clara was ready for bed, even though it would only be for a few hours until she would have to get up again to get to her next job at

Every time her phone rang for the past three years she would jump to the ceiling and dread it being after her brother getting into trouble, whether it be bail money or paying the bookies or working out payment plans with bailiffs, she was sick of it, you would never believe he was the older of the two. Shouldn't he be the one taking care of her?! Hence the two jobs.

6:00pm finally! She dragged her lead heavy feet all the way home and just about managed to keep her eyes open long enough to put her key in the door and enter her small apartment, locking it behind her she heats up some chicken pasta and mango juice-- she used to love coffee, but since working there the smell all day gets stuck right up her nose. 7:30pm she piles onto her bed tutting, '7:30 a girl of my age going to bed at 7:30pm it's pathetic' she thinks to herself, but she knows she'll be back up at 1:30am to get ready for her next job at the new night club she's a waitress behind the bar and hates it there. She pushes the horrid thought of waking in a few hours to the back of her mind, closes her eyes and is fast asleep within a few minutes.

"Aargh" she wakes screaming, it's the same dream she's had all her life. Surrounded by water, with scales passing across her face and a flash of bright light along with a loud bang that rips her from her sleep every time.
Groaning at the interference of her sleep she lays back down desperate for some more shut eye before the alarm goes.

That time quickly passes before the alarm goes off, feeling like she wants to throw it across the room at the sound of it, she reluctantly pulls her head off her warm and inviting bed, has a shower and pulls her back in a bun before getting out her uniform, just black trousers with a white shirt and thin black tie- 'anyone would think I was back at school with this outfit! Still at least I'm not one of the girls on the podiums' at that thought she readily gets dressed, grabs her phone bag and keys and heads out the door.
20 minutes walk and she pulls open the staff doors at the side entrance, there soundproof so the blast of the loud music coming from inside takes her by surprise at first, getting to the bar she soon starts about filling people's drink orders and is repulsed by all the drunk guys trying to hit on her, gritting her teeth and smiling at them, all for the sake of keeping her job for as long as possible.

The night soon passes by and half hour before her shift is finished her phone rings, she knows she's not supposed to take personal calls while on the job but when she sees the caller ID; ANDREW, she must answer he is her older brother after all, although never acts like it much to her annoyance

"Hello? I can't hear you, hold on........." She lets the other girl behind the bar know she has to pop outside

"That's better......hello? Andrew what's wrong?"

"Why do you always assume something is wrong?"

"Because that's the only time you call me! How much this time?"

"Well I was just calling to see how you was, but now that you mention it.......could you lend me £600?"

She knew it! She knew he would screw up again she didn't like to think of the worse about her only brother but why else would he be calling at 5:00am??

"What?! I just gave you money, what happened to that?"

"I'm sorry Clara it's gone, I promise I can get it back for you, I'm got a great deal going for me right now I can't miss it"

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