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Clara slowly began to open her eyes to find a very worried looking Maggie sat down on the floor next to her

"Oh thank god, I thought history was repeating"

Carla tries to sit and clutches at her head in a failed attempt to stop the room from spinning and herself from hurling!
As the last thing she remembers comes back to mind her ears notice all the commotion going on outside

"What on earth is going on......" wobbly getting to her feet

"Oh just know how they are" Maggie starts trying to pull her attention away from the windows "come on dear, you must need a drink......" motioning to go downstairs

"No Maggie. What's going on??"

Ignoring the little lady pulling on her arm she continues to window and stops dead in her tracks at the sight before her.............

A huge powerful looking male lion was fighting with a beautiful jet black panther equally as large not kidding they were easily three times the normal size and the growls coming from them felt like the whole house was shaking, each were swinging their paws and razor sharp claws at each other snarling and roaring before lunging at each other again with their mouths open wide showing their rows of teeth trying to grasp at each other for a fatal blow to the neck, they were out of breath and covered with blood coming from their many scratches along their bodies

'what the hell? Were these the animals everyone was so worried about? How did they get past the walls?' 

As she can't focus her mind on the million and one questions the two creatures moved away from each other

"What is she to you? Just another human- pathetic" comes a deep voice from the lion

Clara nearly passed out from the shock, she mentally pinches herself as she can't believe it her mind won't allow her to, she can't take it in, can't understand

"She's more than a human to me, and you will have her" comes from the panther

'wait a minute'...........she thinks and frowns a little before spinning her head around to look Maggie in the eyes '...........I know that voice.............Ricky?!?! Deeper yes, but unmistakable'

Maggie just looks at her with sad eyes a gives a little nod, knowing now Clara knew practically everything. She was caught in the middle of a viscous war that had carried on for centuries.

The male lion roars with laughter "don't tell me you've fallen in love with her?!" and continues laughing

"That's none of your concern, I'll protect her from you with my life if I have to"

Clara runs down the stairs to the French doors at the back of the kitchen but stops at the doorway when their true size is now overpowering

"This is over......" and the now exhausted looking, battered and bruised lion turns tail and begins to head off into the distance.

Waiting till he's gone a safe distance not to see or hear her she slowly leaves the relative safety of the door frame and takes a few steps to Ricky whose eyes has not left the male lion since he left, he's breathing quick and bleeding heavily. Closing the distance between them Clara can't help but admire the beauty of the creature in front of her, his soft shiny fur his muscles moving and tensing his ears twitch and turning his head sees Clara approaching, his harsh cold eyes change to a softer look and makes a slight purr noise from his throat

"It's ok Ricky........I know, and I'm not afraid of saved me........thank you" now she was right next to him gently stroking his soft fur.

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