Getting Closer

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The next couple of weeks are pure heaven for Clara, she doesn't feel at all like she did upon first arrival, she didn't feel a prisoner or trapped there, she somehow felt more free than she ever had before in her 20 years

Biscuit took her for a long ride everyday and each time she stopped by the willow tree and smiled at the memory of that place, letting biscuit have a good drink and rest before heading back.

Each day Ricky would find a way to make her smile, whether it be joining her for a picnic under that special willow tree, or getting her to join in with Chrissie's special , invite only teddy's tea party, or little presents left outside her door- always simple things as she was a simple girl and didn't need flash jewellery or expensive clothes etc or better yet the way he paid her attention, the soft caresses, the words of praise in her ear, the way he could control her body in a way she would scream out his name in no time at all.

She wakes one morning deciding it's time to pay him back, in more ways than one and a mischievous grin crosses her face, it just after 8am and she knows exactly where he will be....... heading downstairs she goes straight to his sanctuary room and sits on his lap,

"Morning my precious one" he nuzzles close by her ear
She tilts her head and pulls him into a deep and lustful kiss, completely taking control she nips at his bottom lip, he gives a small moan opening his mouth and she quickly takes advantage moving her tongue forward, roaming his mouth. Her hands move down his rock hard body down his rippled stomach muscles until she feels the top of his joggers, moving her position so she now kneeling on the floor she pulls them down letting his huge member spring out, her eyes widen in surprise of its size 'how the hell is that going to fit in my mouth? Let alone anywhere else!' She gets her mind into focus and is determined in her mission

Leaning forward and giving the head a long lick looking up at Ricky as she does so, his eyes wide filled with anticipation, his breathing heavy she slowly moves her mouth swallowing as much of him as she can

"F**k me" he strains out throwing his head back and grabbing a fitful of her hair, she took his reaction as a sign she was doing it right and began taking in more of him sucking down hard and fast, pumping part of his shaft that she couldn't fit in, the deep groans coming from him urged her on faster trying to fit in more without gagging on it hitting the back of her throat, she could see his hips jerk forward and the girth of his already thick c**k swell as his hot seed spills out into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat she quickly swallows what she can still pumping him drawing it out longer the way he always did for her.

She slowly released her lips with a little pop noise and wiped the side of her mouth, raising herself up and just watched the pure pleasure radiate across his face, it really was amazing to know that she caused it no wonder he watched her.

He regains his breathing and pulls his eyes open to meet her large cheeky grin and grins back to match

"You are incredible woman Clara"

He pulls her close to him crashing his lips down on hers determined this time to win the battle of tongues.

The clock chimes on the wall drawing Ricky's attention
"Come on beautiful, let's take Biscuit for a ride" holding on to her hand and gently leading her through the doors
They saddle up and Clara decides it's a good a time as any to speak up "I want to follow the path of the wall, see just how big your land is.......And you can check it for any weaknesses" quickly adding on the last part when she sees the stern look on his face and that he'd stopped in his tracks, letting out a heavy sigh he agrees and they get on their way.

It's a beautiful ride that takes much longer than expected, she was surprised at just how much land there was. Eventually arriving back at the mansion Mark comes running out to meet us, his face like he'd seen a ghost

"Gaston is coming Sir"

Her whole body tenses immediately at the memory of Maggie's story the other day, she looks over at Ricky to see his eyes glaze over with pure hatred, his jaw bone protruding from his beautiful face as he clenches his teeth together, before turning to her

"Please go stay in your room........" He quickly dismounts not giving her the chance to reply as she quickly gets off Biscuit she does as he says and goes straight upstairs and shuts her door behind her, now she wishes there was a stronger lock on it!! Sliding the small bolt across into place she started pacing the room worried about what he wanted, what was going to happen.
Shouts and loud banging from downstairs caught her attention as they begin to louder she heads toward the door, not knowing what she should do or if she should do anything at all, the ball of rage was growing deep inside her chest again, like it done every time she got made it was like she couldn't control it until it took over her body in a fit of rage- just like it did that day in the parking lot, and many other times before than, just as she reaches for the door it suddenly goes quiet, too quiet.
She backs away from the door slowly her heads in a whirl, suddenly goes flying open practically off its hinges making her scream out in shock and fear, she opens her eyes and stands up from the crouch she automatically went to and sets her eyes on a very large shirtless man in the doorway, he was dirty and scruffy with shoulder length messed up hair, he was breathing heavy and had an evil darkness surrounding his eyes which made her get goosebumps all down her spine.
He looks around the room while wiping the small amount of blood by his mouth with the back of his hand when his eyes fixed on Clara his lips twisted to a cruel smirk

"So your the little bit Ricky's been keeping from me"

Stalking toward her, she walks backward until she backs into the fireplace behind her, now she was never one to back away from a fight no matter who it was, but he was different his eyes were like soulless black pits and it made her legs tremble as he leaned his one arm on the wall just by the side of her head

"Your mine" he snarls at her "Ricky doesn't want a slut like you.........." grabbing her wrist roughly and jerking it toward him, her free hand pushes against his chest as she struggles to get free, all fears going and that fire ball of rage coming back stronger than ever, she gives him a hard shove pushing him away from her in disgust "get away from me" she shouts

"Oh I like my whores fiesty" with a nasty smile he moves forward closer to her again

"I'm not yours you son of a bitch" her rage at almost exploding point fire running all through her veins as she swings her hand toward him clenched in a tight fist and punches him straight on the jaw, taking him back by surprise but not not down, she winces in pain as it feels like she's punched a brick wall but swallows any sign of showing it on her face
He slowly turns his head back to face her his eyes dark with anger as his back hand comes flying at her face knocking her completely back and into part of the fireplace before her unconscious body slumps to the floor

"Don't you f**k**g touch her!!" As Gaston spins around on the spot to see a very p**s*d off Ricky at the doorway, he entered the room just at the moment he swung at Carla and knocked her to the floor.

Ricky starts running at Gaston with all the rage running through his body and morphs into his true form before lunging at him, setting Gaston off to morph also as they're bodies crash into one another they go flying right through the large windows in the room and continue fighting when on the ground outside

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