Ricky's POV

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'I hate this' he grumbles to himself as he crawls out of the large empty bed and makes his way to the ensuite, it has double sink with separate shower and roll top bath, with beautiful black marble tiles the clean whiteness of the bathroom suite stands out even more so.

Standing in the hot water cascading down his rock hard muscular body for what seems like forever before he could get his mind straight.

It's not that he was depressed, he was born into this life but just felt like there could be more.

He hated some parts of it but couldn't leave, he used to be able to cope with it when Jess was with him, but not anymore she was gone and took every glimmer of hope and happiness with her, he slammed his fist onto the hard tiled wall in front of him, slightly cracking a few of them "if only I'd been stronger she'd still be here, with me" he grinds his teeth before turning off the water.

Going back to his room wrapped in the softest towel around his waist as the fire in there that was roaring and crackling with all the wood and coal put on it was now practically out, he goes to one of the triple wardrobes and sliding open the door he picks out his usual attire; a smart, fitted black suit with a light purple shirt and a thin black tie to finish.

Walking down the stairs that slowly curved around at the bottom, he can already hear and smell all the staff are busy at their work. Entering into one of the doors close by the kitchen he takes a seat by the small 2 seat table next to the floor to ceiling Windows that overlook the gardens, normally you wouldn't expect a small room and table in such a large house but it was his favourite place in the whole world, he would often sit here with coffee and a book and just watch the world go by without a care, so obviously it was the best place for him to start his gruelling day.

Quietly listening to the birds outside he's completely lost until the small clock behind him chimes to signal it's 8am and right on time, the same as every morning Beth the small and timid maid brought in a tray of breakfast with coffee and orange juice
"Here you are Sir, I hope you slept well?" Placing it gently down on the table so as not to spill any of the liquids balanced on it, something she does quite a lot being a little clumsy and all
"Fine. Please tell Maggie this looks delicious as always. Oh, and I won't be back till this evening- business"
She gives a little nod of understanding and leaves the room, clicking the door shut behind her so he can get back to his thoughts.

Finishing up he grudgingly leaves his little sanctuary, and signals one of the men standing in the hallway with their arms folded across their chests that it was time to go, he opens the door for Ricky and pushes it shut once he's inside
"Where to boss?"
"Downtown, Andrew has had his last chance"

With a silent nod and a back glance in his rear view mirror he knows exactly where their going and what must be done, another black car follows closely behind with the rest of his men.

-------------------------time lapse------------------

They find Andrew in some parking lot behind a small coffee shop, the smell so strong you could get a pick me up from a few streets away!
Piling out of the car, Ricky last, Andrew freezes when he sees them realising this time he has gone too far. He frantically looks around for a way to escape maybe someone to call for help, then notices the time and prays that Clara won't come after all.

"You know why we're here!" Ricky almost shouts at him "where's our money?"

"I don't have it you know I don't, but I can get some I swear I'll pay you back"

"We've heard that before and for a very long time I've tried to give you chances. But not anymore, so unfortunately we're going to have to teach you a lesson for you to be prompt with your payments to us" with that Ricky snaps his fingers and the men around him start walking with almost hatred in every step toward him, the biggest one punches him in the face first knocking him straight to the ground before they all start to join in.
Just then Ricky hears a soft and painful cry of a voice and it immediately draws his attention, to see a beautiful young woman running towards them all, she has soft shiny brown hair that's loosely tied back, she's in plain uniform clothing but the way they clung to her as she moved he could tell she had a body to die for.
The pain in her face had him freeze on the spot, it was like he was entranced he couldn't make himself move and then suddenly as she got closer she threw a swinging punch at one of his men knocking him to the floor, then kneeing another in the balls as he went to get closer to her, of course he went down like a sack of potatoes! 'My god this woman is amazing! She is so feisty and strong spirited' he stands there completely taken back by her and has to adjust himself in his trousers before anyone notices the effect shes having on him 'I want her'

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