Stronger than ever

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The days since she bumped into the safe hers dreams have become stronger and more clear, as if she was actually there.

She tried to focus her mind on the love she felt inside and specific events from the past for the answers, she could see a great battle between the dragons and lion-like creatures she could the dragon army being ambushed and slain right in front of her, walls were tumbling all around the biggest dragon there with a crown on its head bending right down until it was practically nose to nose with her before it wailed out in pain as dozens of lions jump on it with their claws and teeth sinking in, but it was no use each time she got to that moment she could feel the rage burning inside of her smoke pill owing from her skin as if she would combust there and then but she had to force herself to calm down, she couldn't afford to transform now not before she learnt to keep her emotions and strength under control.

She rode her beloved Biscuit everyday she felt herself losing control and it would calm her down greatly, the smell of nature the wind through her hair the birds singing.

But this day was different, today Biscuit didn't calm her down no matter how much she rode her, upon returning to the castle she let Biscuit rest in the stables with fresh water and some carrots.
Walking into the big hall she could see the safe still locked tight, right at that moment the whole thing seemed impossible the metal box looked cold, hard and unwelcoming.
She slowly walks forward and collapses on the floor just in front of it

Ricky walks in to find his wife knelt on the floor her head bent low and her shoulders shaking with silent sobs, his heart felt like it was breaking for he had never seen her like this before. She was always so strong, determined and passionate, he slowly approached her and knelt down next to where she was his arms wrapped tight around her stroking her hair and consoling her until she calmed herself

"Shh don't cry princess....please don't.......I'm's ok"

"I can't do this......."

"There is nothing you can't do, you are a strong fiesty woman you constantly amaze me and I am not leaving you to do this alone.....ok?"

She wipes her face and looks deep into his eyes, she wells up at the sincerity of his words cupping his face she softly kisses him and nods.
He moved his position so he was sat directly behind her, still on their knees his legs were either side of her body and cuddled into her neck so he could whisper into her ear

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath..."

He moves his hands down her arms and link their fingers together

"Now you need to reach out and touch the safe again"

"I can't" shaking her head "last time......"

"I know" he cuts her off, not wanting her to panic about the same thing happening again "but this time I'm here to help"

He moves his and therefore her hands out slowly, until her fingers just gentle touch the cold metal and she tries to jerk backwards as just like before the overpowering flood of images rush through her mind but Ricky holds her steady

"What do you see?"

"I see.......animals, their fighting......I see blood, so much blood!" She starts trembling, tears threatening down her face

"Ssh calm down, breath.......focus your mind away from that, look around what else do you see?"

She takes another deep breath, with her eyes still shut she looks around

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