The Stand Off

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Weeks pass and Clara couldn't be happier, her friends at the mansion are now like family she's especially fond of little Chrissie her laughter the joy she brings to the house.

Ricky always treating her like a princess, a sexy woman showing her respect and love, she doesn't know exactly when it happened but she had fallen in love with him too- although not told him yet.

Everyday they went for a ride on her beloved horse, Stopping frequently at the old willow tree on top of the hill, that place holding a special memory for her.
Sometimes Ricky would transform for her and she would ride on his back for miles through the deep forest, with the wind rushing past her face making her feel alive, she hadn't had one of usual bad dreams for weeks now and was feeling energised with the contented sleep she was now getting.
One sunny day they head up there as usual and set up a picnic to enjoy the late sunset, she leans into him as the rays of light dance across the sky a few stars starting to twinkle against the darkening sky.



"I want you to stay here...with me. I can't bear the thought of losing you.... I love your smile, your laugh, I love how you are with Chrissie and the others, I love how feisty you are you make me a better person......... Would you consider giving me the honour of marrying you?"

Her eyes widen at his confession for her, he pulls out a box from his pocket opening it to reveal a beautiful ring inside.
She tilts her head and sees nothing but emotion in his eyes, usually so strong now almost looking vulnerable as he waits eagerly for her reply. She cups his face in her hands and plants a gentle kiss on his soft lips before answering
"Yes. I will marry you Ricky"
He finally lets out a sigh of relief and holds her tight to him, only letting go long enough to place the ring on her finger. They sit there looking at each other glowing with love and happiness.

A couple of days later the whole house has organised a huge celebration party for them with fancy cakes and decorations, huge congratulation presents piled up in the one room.
Everyone chatting and laughing and generally having a good time, little Chrissie starts feeling really tired and so Clara offers to carry her to her room where it will be quiet enough for her to rest.
"Goodnight Clara"

"Sweet dreams darlin"

"Does this make you my auntie now?"

"would yo like that?"

"Oh yes! Very much so!" Throwing her arms around Clara's neck giving a big cuddle before settling into bed. Clara smiles as her as she pulls up the covers and dining the lights before shutting the door behind her.

Walking toward the stairs she hears a loud commotion coming from down below and wonders what the hell could've possibly gone wrong?!
Rushing down the stairs the angry voices become more clear, recognises a few of them to be Ricky and his brother Luke and..... Gaston!! What's he doing here??
She can feel that familiar ball of angry fire building up in her chest, the rage deep down getting more intense, stronger than she ever felt before, a strange sensation started taking over her whole body, she took no notice of this as it had been so long since she last lost her temper and boy was she getting mad!
She could swear she was so mad smoke was coming from her body, but that was impossible......right?

She didn't care about the huge creatures she would face on the other side of the door, she didn't care about anything but doing something to protect those she loved, done anything, she loved them all, she loved Ricky with all her heart.
Her body feels weird as if it's actually on fire an almighty roar erupts as she comes tearing through the kitchen doors, lunging at Ricky with all her might her arms and legs lashing out in punches and kicks at him, only stopping in time to hear his yelps and limp body collapse to the floor.
She steps back trying to catch her breath and it's only then she notices how small he looks, she furrows her brow in thought and confusion 'what the hell is going on?!'

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