Part of the Truth

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The next few days there's a tense atmosphere throughout the house and everyone is acting weird and walking on egg shells, until finally Clara being the woman she is has had enough, feeling that small ball of anger starting to fester deep inside her chest she decides to find someone and demand an explanation, if she is going to be stuck here for a while she deserves to know.

Maggie, she will be the best one to ask and possibly Beth. They've grown so close since being there, like somehow their her family now. Knowing at least one of them would be in the kitchen she heads that way and finds Beth, her hands almost shaking at this point with anger dwelling deep inside

"I can't take it anymore, I have to know what's going on around here and someone is going to tell me damn it; what's outside those walls? Who is Gaston? What's behind the locked doors?" Question after question shoot from her mouth before she starts to calm down

Beth just stands there wide eyed not knowing quite what to do
"The walls keep us safe from larger animals outside. Gaston is Sir Ricky's mortal enemy since he took Agatha. And behind the doors belong to Sir Rick........."

"Don't you say another word!" Maggie bursts in through the doors cutting her off mid sentence

"What do you mean larger animals? Who is Agatha that made them enemies?"
Maggie gives a deep sigh and slumps her shoulders forward when she sees the look of determination for answers written across Clara's face, giving Beth a frown she takes a seat on one of the chairs, motioning to Clara for her to do the same

"You remember how I told you things were not as they seem here..........outside these walls there's nothing but danger. Unfortunately a few years ago that danger came inside in the form of Gaston..........He and Sir Ricky fell for the same woman Agatha, and Gaston convinced himself that she wanted him and so challenged Sir to a fight for her hand, Ricky accepted and, sad to say was left within an inch of his life, Mark and I found him and took care of him.............Gaston claimed Agatha as his own and took her to his bed, the next morning she was found in the bathtub with..............with her wrists slit and a note on the floor 'you will never touch me again' ................turns out she was in love with Sir Ricky but Gaston convinced her that she was unwanted by him and she couldn't stand the thought of Gastons hands touching her again.............When Sir Ricky found out the truth he was a broken man, he never smiles let alone laughs, never shows any affection or care other than to little Miss Chrissie until.........until you came here" sitting up straighter and looking Clara straight in the face and giving a sweet smile
"You have feelings for him don't you dear?"

Clara bites her lip and furrows her brow in light of all this new information before slowly nodding
"Is that everything?" She asks hesitantly, Maggie gives Beth a look before answering "for now, I'll give you a chance to get your head around just this for now. When your ready he'll be in the small room to the side of the kitchen as he always is this time of day, I'm sure he won't mind you going to see him"

She needs a moment before accepting that Maggie was right, that was all the information she could handle at the time.

She heads toward the door that was previously missed on the tour she was given, turning the handle she goes inside to see a surprisingly small room with a pretty little glass table and two comfortable looking chairs by it, one of which occupied by Ricky, he doesn't see her enter as both chairs are facing the huge windows in front that overlooked the prettiest are of the garden, so many flowers that were attracting bees and butterflies, a small bird feeder surrounded by birds eating seeds and having a bath in the shallow water, as she slowly approached him his eyes were fixated on the view outside and he actually looked really peaceful.

Clara slowly entered into his line of vision just at the side of him drawing his attention and he kind of smiled at her
"Good morning gorgeous" reaching for her hand and kissing the back of it before pulling her to him so she could sit across his lap, his arms wrapped around her tightly
"It's beautiful, no wonder you start your day in here. So peaceful and tranquil"
"Hmm. Would you like to go for a ride with me?" Looking up at her and gently caressing her a$$ with his one hand she nods with a smile
"Come on then" he stands up with her still in his arms making her grip around his neck as she's taken back by his strength before he gently puts her feet back on the floor and giving her such a passionate kiss it had her toes curling beneath her.

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