Be My Valentine <3 - Part 1B

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(4 years earlier)

14th Feb 2009

6:00 pm

Today was exactly 2 years since Sneha and I had been together, and exactly 2 years, 4 months since I had first laid eyes on her.

This was my last year of college, and it was definitely the toughest – not in terms of studies, but because pretty soon we would all be leaving behind the safe confines of our college and entering into the big bad world outside. But what comforted me, and what made me feel that everything was going to be just alright was the fact that I had Sneha with me by my side – I loved her crazily, she loved me madly and I knew that as long she was with me, I could fight anything and anyone in this world and come out on top.

The only sad part in all this was that I had to wait another year for her to finish her course. But that was just a small hiccup in the master-plan that I had devised for our lives. I had it all planned out – As soon as Sneha graduates next year, I would talk to my parents about her, about us. And come what may, we would get married within the next 2-3 years. Then we would have kids, probably after 2 years of marriage - One boy and one girl (the naming rights had been unfairly won by Sneha in a game of cards. I am pretty sure that she cheated, but she says otherwise). And the remaining things, we had left for God to decide and execute.

I know most people would think that all this is silly, that planning and deciding on such important events in one’s life at such a young age is unadvisable and will only lead to heartbreak. But when you know 100% that the person you are with now is the person you want to and are going to spend the rest of your life with, every goal seems achievable and every dream seems practical.

After all, love is what you make it. If you don’t believe in the power of your love, and if you don’t see a future together, what is the point of loving.? And the best part in all this was that I and Sneha were on the same page with what we wanted out of our lives. As I waited for Sneha, I began recollecting the past.

How we met:


I was now in 2nd year of college. And like any 2nd year student who has just been released from the physically and mentally draining chains of ragging, I felt like I was the king of the college. And like a newly crowned king, today was my day to prove my mettle. Any normal person would think logically before doing something which could potentially put him at risk of being expelled from his college. But not me. I was high on my newly acquired freedom, and I stupidly was willing to do anything. And it so happened that one of my friends dared me to rag the 1st girl that walks in through the college gates (with friends like these, who needs enemies). And it so happened that the first girl to walk in through the gates was a certain Miss Sneha Sharma. And it also so happened that instead of having a sudden realization that what I was doing might be something incredibly foolish, I went ahead and whole-heartedly accepted the dare.

With my chest held high, I slowly yet gallantly walked towards my unsuspecting victim.

She was walking with a bunch of books in her hand, her head turned down and covered with a dupatta, probably to shield her face from the bright sun.

Hey you.” I said.

She walked right past where I was standing, as if I were invisible. My friends could hardly control their laughter. I knew I had to do some damage control and fast.

I turned around and said “Hey you in the red salwar. I am talking to you.

She turned around and looked at me. And that was it. Although I didn’t realize it at that time, it was right then and there that I had lost my heart to her. I gulped as I looked at her eyes – the only green eyes I had ever seen, and they were so damn pretty.

Excuse me.Were you talking to me.?” she said in a voice that sounded almost musical.

I went back into the ‘idiot-who-thinks-he-is-the-king-of-the-college’ mode. I cleared my throat before I said “Ummm yes. Yes I was talking to you.

Oh sorry, I thought you were talking to someone else. Please go ahead, what were you saying.” she said.

Yes, what was I saying.?” I wondered. This girl had messed up my mind a little; I was not able to think straight. I looked towards my friends. Their gestures soon reminded me of my mission.

Ok. So are you new to this college.?” I said.

Yes. Why, do I look like a senior.?” she said with a wink.

Huh. Did she just wink at me.?” I thought to myself as I said “Just answer to the point.

You are so grumpy.” she said.

I could only imagine the fun my friends were having seeing me making a fool out of myself. I didn’t want to embarrass myself any further, and I said “Do you know who I am.? I am your senior. And you are the junior. You better behave.

Ooh. Cool. So this is ragging huh?” she said, visibly excited. I slowly looked around to ensure that there were no staff around. I didn’t want to get into trouble for taking part in a simple dare, which if I must say, wasn’t going so well.

For a moment, I didn’t know how to respond. Before I could say something, she spoke “I never thought I would get ragged. I am so lucky.

Surprised, I said “Huh.? What do you mean.?

She said “Can I ask you a question.?

I guess so.” I said. This situation was not turning out the way I had expected it to.

Suppose if I am the daughter of this college’s principal, do you think under normal circumstances I would get ragged.?” she said with almost a devilish grin.

It took a while for her question to register in my mind. But when it did, it was as if lightning had struck me. I felt a lump in my throat, and so many thoughts suddenly flushed my mind – I was reminded of the principal’s speech on the day of our induction highlighting how ragging is banned in this college and the measures taken to keep it that way. Then I remembered the form we had signed where we agreed not to take part in ragging of any sort and it had something about going to jail.

I turned to see my friends, but as expected, they were all gone. I looked at the girl standing before me. I stammered “You. u. u. Are you. u. the principal’s daughter.?

She just kept smiling for a while. Then she said “I need to go to the library. Can I go.?

I just shook my head. I even showed her the way to the library.

Before leaving, she said “It was nice meeting you. My name is Sneha.

She extended her hands. I tried to stay calm and composed. And as I shook her hand, I said “Raj. Raj Verma.

Hope we will see each other again Raj. Bye.” she said as she left.

I smiled.


Be My Valentine &lt;3حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن