Be My Valentine <3 - Part 3C

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(3 years earlier)

Open your eyes slowly.” the Doctor said to Sneha.

This was the day all of us had been anxiously waiting for. It had taken several days for Sneha to fully recuperate from her injuries. But now, as she lay there in front of me, I couldn’t help but thank God for keeping her safe, for giving us strength in these trying times, and for helping us make it through our ordeal.

She finally opened her eyes, letting me get a glimpse of those precious green eyes of hers after so many days. I could barely control my excitement, and could hardly wait to talk to her. I was standing right in front of her bed. And right behind me stood her parents.

Her eyes glanced across the room. She looked towards me and then towards the Doctor. She tried to move her hands and then her fingers. And then she made an attempt to sit up straight on the bed.

A nurse rushed forward and said “You should remain lying down Ma’am. Don’t exert yourself. I will raise the head of the bed for you.

She definitely seemed a bit lost. But the Doctor had said that it was normal for a person who has sustained an injury to their head to behave like this.

She slowly asked “Where am I.?

The Doctor had told us beforehand to remain quiet because waking up after so many days, and especially after suffering an injury to the brain usually leaves the patient quite confused and disoriented. And any kind of untoward happening can be dangerous for the patient’s mental health.

So we maintained our silence as the Doctor spoke “You are in the hospital Sneha.? You have been here for several days. Do you know why you are here.?

She thought for a while. She looked towards me again. I smiled. But she didn’t.

Slowly, she said “I was in an accident.?

Good.” the Doctor said.

I wondered how hard it must have been for her to recall and re-live those terrible moments all over again. I was also reminded of that fateful event (the car crash) each and every day. But that was the past. We were here, alive. I was there for Sneha now; we all were there for her. And we would help her get over the trauma.

Anything else you remember.?” the Doctor asked her.

Sneha kept quiet.

The Doctor asked again “What else do you remember from the accident Sneha.?

It’s not very clear Doctor. I just remember that. . . . . I was driving, I think. And then some other car lost control and came and hit my car. And then I blacked out.” she said.

The Doctor said “Ok Sneha. That’s fine. This process of recovery will be slow, but you are doing quite well. Now, do you know who the people in this room are.?

She again looked towards me. Then she pointed at me, and looking at the Doctor, she said “There. Those are my parents. My Mom and Dad.

I turned around and looked at Sneha’s parents. They smiled at me. I looked towards Sneha again and thought to myself “That’s strange. She looked right through me. Why is she ignoring me.? Is Sneha angry with me.?

Well done Sneha. So you are able to identify your parents.” the Doctor said. “Who else.?

Sneha inspected the room once again. After having a good look, she said “No. Just my Mom and Dad are here.

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