Be My Valentine <3 - Part 4A

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13th Feb 2013

2:30 pm

I came back to my hotel room after finishing a few chores that I had planned for the day. I went and had a quick but very refreshing shower. Then I ordered for some food through room service as I was literally starving. Finally, I settled myself atop the bed. And I stared at the wooden box kept in front of me. This box held a lot of significance in my life; it was reminder of all the good times gone by. I slowly opened it and began browsing through the contents - Several photos of me and Sneha together in happier times, the gifts she had presented to me on several different occasions, small notes of love and affection she had written for me, lovely handmade greeting cards and many other things which reminded me of her, of us, of the past we had, and of the future we could have had. This box contained all my memories of Sneha, memories of us together, memories that I had held onto all these days. But I think it was time for me to finally let her and her memories go free.

                Aug 14th 2011

                I was sitting in the living room of my house, with my phone in hand. I had just spoken with Sneha’s mother and I was relieved to know that Sneha was with them at their house. This was the 2nd time this month that Sneha had left home without informing me. Things were not looking great for us – Every day we argued over something or the other, and most of the time, it was about something silly. Yesterday too we had a fight. And I think that is why she left home without telling me. I think I should let her stay at her mom’s for a while to let her cool down. And then I can go pick her up.

                Jan 6th 2011

                Today, the Doctor finally told Sneha about me, about us; that we are married and that I am her husband. And it seems Sneha didn’t take this news too well. I know it must have been too much for her to digest given her current state, but I wished, I just wished that she would have remembered something about us. I had insisted that I wanted to be the one to break this news to her, but the Doctor had said that she couldn’t risk letting me go near Sneha with this potentially dangerous news.  She said that she was experienced and that I should let her handle it. Now when I think about it, I am glad that I wasn’t the one who conveyed this news to Sneha. I would have just fallen apart seeing Sneha not taking the news of our marriage well. I guess we need to keep trying. I know things will get better.

                Feb 14th 2011

                I made her cry today; I made Sneha cry today. I feel so bad right now. More so because today is exactly 4 years since Sneha and I started dating. What a pathetic way to celebrate our anniversary.! I was showing her some old photographs of us, and I kept on asking her whether she remembered anything after seeing the photos. I shouldn’t have pressed her so much. And now she has locked herself in her room. She won’t come out. I have told her that I am sorry, but I guess that won’t do. I must deal more delicately with her. I need to be more patient. She is highly emotional.

                Feb 9th 2011

                After nearly 3 months in the hospital, Sneha was discharged today. Her parents had wanted to take her home with them. But I insisted that I should take her home with me, after all, I was her husband.  They understood that she should be in an environment with which she was most recently in touch with, and that would mean being and spending time with me. I was glad that even Sneha was being cooperative. Although reluctant at first, she accepted my decision. I could understand her initial apprehensions, given that I was almost like a stranger to her.

                Dec 25th 2010

                It was Christmas today and I had gone to see Sneha in the hospital. It’s been exactly a week since Sneha opened her eyes and spoke to us, and we learnt of her amnesia. This one week has been really difficult for me; I am still trying to wrap my mind around this unbelievable situation. Every day, I tell myself that things will get better. She has started undergoing some therapy sessions, and some other sessions with the Doctor. Although I didn’t meet her in person today, I saw her from a distance and see seemed to be doing well. Christmas has always been her favorite holiday. And I hope by next Christmas, we would be celebrating it together.

                Mar 1st 2011

                We made good progress today. I showed her around town, and took her to all the places where we used to hang out together. I also took her to our favorite Coffee shop and had some delicious Cappuccinos. She seemed to like it. Although she didn’t speak much through the day, I could feel that she was beginning to remember some stuff. I am not being overconfident, but I feel things are slowly beginning to come back to her. I think all the efforts are finally paying off.

                Mar 17th 2011

                I give up. I don’t think this will ever work. Everything I do is just useless. We had another fight today. And she left home to go stay with her parents. The worst part is that it’s neither her fault nor mine that we end up fighting like this. It’s the situations that are starting to create a rift between us.  My aim is to help her remember stuff that she has forgotten, most importantly, remember me. But I sometimes feel that she is not trying hard enough, I feel like she gives up and loses hope even before trying something.

                Sep 21st 2011

                She left home for good today, and has made up her mind to stay with her parents. The last few months had been quite hectic for me with lots to do at office. I just couldn’t concentrate on her and on my work at the same time. And I guess that is why everything fell apart. I tried to make her stay, but she was bent upon leaving. And I couldn’t force her to stay against her will. I don’t know how to take this – Will things get any better, or will they continue to get worse.? I decided not to think too much about it, because it will only make me feel horrible. I have decided to go to her house tomorrow. I am hoping she will reconsider her decision.

                Nov 14th 2011

                Today is supposed to be our 1st wedding anniversary. But here I am, sitting all alone, with no idea what to do. I tried calling Sneha several times on her phone, but her number was unreachable. I finally came to know that she was not in town and that she had gone out somewhere with her parents. I had hoped that she would at least come and meet me today.. But I guess I was asking for too much. It’s been several days since I had last seen her, and I wonder when I would see her next.

13th Feb 2013

7:20 pm

I heard some sound. I opened my eyes to see what it was. It was my phone, it was ringing. I searched for it and finally found it under the blanket. I picked it up and answered saying “Hello.

Raj. This is Sneha’s Mom calling.” the voice on the other end said. She sounded tense.

I said “Yes Aunty. Tell me.

What she said next made me sit up straight on the bed, and the last remnants of sleep in my eyes immediately disappeared. “It’s Sneha. She has had an accident. She fell off her Scooty. We are at the hospital. The Doctor is still having a look, but it seems to be nothing serious. We didn’t want to trouble anyone else in your family. But I wanted you to know. I felt like I needed to tell you.” she said.

Thank you Aunty, it was really nice of you to inform me. Which hospital are you at.?” I said.

I noted down the address. I said “Aunty, I will be there shortly.” before I ended the call.

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