doctor! team free will!

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We walked into the TARDIS and saw the 11th doctor leaning against the console with his signature smiled across his face.

"Oh my god!" Liz squealed frantically looking around the TARDIS.

"This is the doctor?" Amaya asked smiling flirtatiously.

Madeline and Elisabeth were staring star struck at one of my biggest idols. Shelby held out her hand smirking

"I've heard a lot about you doctor. Lizzy doesn't shut up about you". Hailey looked and just smiled.

"Doctor" I said breathlessly. I hesitated but then realize it's the 11th doctor he won't care. I ran up and crashed my lips to his his arms flailing behind him, and his eyes wide. My friends off to the side staring in shock at my sudden action.

I let go and watched as he straightened his bowtie.

"Ahem That was... quite the welcome" he said smiling but I could see the sadness behind them. I looked down and hugged him tight.

"You just lost the ponds didn't you" I whispered clutching him. I let go and he smiled shaking his head then cleared his throat.

"Anyway sorry I'm late after I sent that message some things happened I regenerated, crash landed the TARDIS ran now I'm here" he quickly exclaimed turning back to the console before looking back.

"None of you going to say it I love it when they say it" he said.

"I've always wanted to say this. It's smaller on the outside" I said smirking. He looked at me weird.

"Hm that's a new one anyway Lebanon, Kansas here we come" he said with that smile.

"What's there" madeline questioned. I looked at her.

"The men of letters bunker" I said smiling lightly stroking the side of the TARDIS.

"What?" Amaya asked.

"Sam and Dean's bunker" Elisabeth said speaking for the first time in a while Still in shock that I snogged the doctor.

We heard the beautiful sound of the TARDIS landing as I turned to the group.

"Chuck gave me specific instructions I have to go by myself and get them to trust me. You guys must stay here for now I'll be back in a day" I said taking a step towards sexy's door.

"Who's Chuck?" Shelby asked. Although we ignored her.

"You think im going to miss a chance to meet team free will!?!" Elisabeth asked incredulously.

"Yeah I'm meeting Dean Lizzy how is it fair you get all the fun" Liz added. I sighed.

"Look you people really want to go against God? Besides just jump a day into the future." I said inching towards the door. I sent a doctor a look saying when I'm outside leave.

I sprinted towards the door throwing I open liz on my tail. It slammed in her face and quickly faded away.

I looked around and loudly laughed. 'i just met the doctor' I shook my hands in front of myself and squealed. 'omg I'm gonna meet sam Dean and cass!!!! Lets hope they don't kill me' with that thought I calmed down and took in my surroundings.

I was in the middle of a forest. I thought back to the show and figure out that the bunker is only 5 miles away. I hefted my bag on my shoulder took one last deep breath and started walking.

~one hour later~

I sighed a the bunker came into view. I gathered my courage pushed my Fangirl feeling down an approached the building. Right before I reached the door everything went black.


I awoke to see the familiar scene of the bunkers dungeon. I looked up to see team free will staring at me expectingly.

"Who are you why are you here. Your human what do you want" Dean grilled getting in my face.
'oh my Chuck! Im in the bunker! That's Dean winchester!! I was kidnapped by team free will!! I think I might hyperventilate. focus focus'

"My name is Lizzy I was sent here to get your help" I explained.

"Our help we kind of have our own problems you know with the damn apocalypse and all!" Dean exclaimed.

"Call cass he talked to go- Chuck. He talked to Chuck the prophet. He explained I'm supposed to be here" I said fear finally settling in. He sighed irritably.

"Cass! Get your feathery ass down here!!" He screamed and castiel appeared net to him.

"Dean what she says is true. Chuck said she was sent by god himself and we have to listen to her story no matter how crazy" cass said in that deep gravily voice. Dean looked at him them back at me. He nodded at sam. Sam walked forward and untied me then we all walked upstairs and sat in the living room.

"You might want to sit down" I said towards sam. He sat down and cass looked at me strangely.

"What is it cass"sam asked.

"She's different. Shes human but I feel something powerful in her soul like it's dormant and faint as if waiting for a charge"

"Im not from this dimension. I'm from another one and I know all about you Sammy, Dean, and, castiel" I started as Dean and sam tensed up.

"How" Dean demanded.

"In my dimension your a TV show. A very popular one. I know almost everything about your life and your future as well. But don't be alarmed I'm here for a reason" when no one interrupted I continued
"yes I was kinda sent by god listen were up against something big. Worse then Lucifer, or lilith, or well god himself. Something that will wipe out not just this universe but all universes. Every dimension every world ever known will perish. And me an my friends need your help along with some others you will hopefully meet later. Im not insane and I'm not on drugs. Please please believe me" I finished waiting for there reaction

"Cass?" Sam questioned.

"She telling the truth we can trust her" cass said smiling at me.

"One rule nobody looks in my head" I stated. Dean glared and I could tell it would take more to convince him.
"Why have something to hide?"
"No it's just I don't want you to know what I think of you people. My head is a scary place" I said blushing.

Sam put his hand on my shoulder sending shock waves through me
'ahhhh sam touching me I've been touched by a moose' my head screamed as a ridiculous smile rose to my face.

"We believe you but we're a TV show?" He questioned.

"Who the hell would watch our lives" Dean asked.

"How much does this TV show show exactly" sam asked.

"If i left the DVD for you to watch would you trust me?" I asked he nodded.

I took out the first season and place it on the table.

"I have to go talk to someone else well need more then you idjits to win this war. Just in two days be ready for some more people in you bunker" I said.

"There's more of you" Dean asked still glaring. I nodded.
"And you expect us to trust you. Who else do we need" Dean asked. I got up and headed for the door.

"Someone you'll probably want to punch" and with that I left the bunker. Cass was outside waiting for me.

"Where to" he asked laying his hand on my shoulder making me jump.

"221B Baker Street" and then I was transported.

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