seperate ways

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me and dean hopped up the stairway and burst outside after hearing someone cream. we looked around frantically till our eyes landed on all the people surrounding the TARDIS.

"what happened!" i said as they turned to face me and dean. the all shuffled backwards till i spotted Sam punching Sherlock and the doctor trying to pull him off. john was looking around nervously,

"don't you ever talk about my dad like that again" Sam spat out finally letting the doctor pull him off. the wall (thats what i'm going to call the people from the real world) were laughing.

"Sherlock. why did set rules for you if you were going to break them" i asked throwing my hands up in annoyance as dean was checking if Sam was injured.

"i didn't do anything" he said wiping at his bloody nose.

"yes you did. she said not to be clever, or deduce, or ask about the past. and you did all three of those in under five minutes" john said handing Sherlock a tissue. the wall immediately shut up.

"well i think we should all agree not to kill each other and go inside" i said motioning towards the bunker. i turned to the doctor.

"at least someones responsible" i said annoyed and walked into the bunker. the rest followed me and all sat in there living room in a awkward silence. dean sat on one side of me and the doctor sat on the other. the wall was occupying the big couch while Sherlock and john sat in separate arm chairs and Sam remained standing.

"are you sure we can trust them" dean whispered in my ear looking around at the rest of the room.

"what do you mean Sherlock and john are detectives who don't actually follow the law. the doctor is an alien who fights other aliens and my friends are ordinary" i questioned knowing we could trust all of them.

"i'm not talking about Sherlock or the doctor i'm talking about your friends. i mean you know how many times I've known someone and thought i could trust but they ended up turning on me. can we trust your friends" he questioned. i quickly glanced around the quiet room silent except for the excited whispers of my friends.

'he could be right how easy would it be for them to turn? i mean we always said being the villain is funner then being the good guy. what if there lying' my brain questioned filling me with doubt. i quickly shook those thoughts away.

'these are your friends they wouldn't hurt you'i reassured myself. i looked at dean and smiled.

"yeah i trust them besides they'll be out of your hair soon" i said. i smiled as i heard the flapping of wings and could feel cass standing behind me. everyone jumped at seeing cass' sudden arrival.

"are you the angel" Sherlock said getting in a sitting position and looked cass up and down. cass tilted his head in confusion.

"Lizzy are these the people who need to help" he asked looking at me. i nodded and watched in amusement as the doctor stood up. he approached cass and looked him up and down in excitement. he held out his hand to shake and castiel just stared at it.

"hello there! I've never met an angel! well, i have met angels actually, just not like you. stone angels, very rude people. long story short, they don't like me and i don't like them. i almost forgot, robot angels! i also met some robot angels! have you ever seen a robot? i like robots. well, not all robots, some are very nasty. well not really nasty, some of them were very clean, other not. why do they say that, nasty. i mean there clean right? humans, they have such a strange sense of humor" the doctor rambled to a very confused looking castiel.

"why do you have too hearts" castiel asked looking at the doctors still out stretched hand. i stepped in before he could start rambling again.

"castiel this the doctor hes a time lord an alien. and doctor this is castiel an angel who hasn't seen a robot" i said pushing the doctor back into his seat.

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