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I smiled as we landed infront of 221B.

"Your really from another world?" Castiel questioned. I smile and nodded.

"You said were a TV show. What do people think of me" he asked looking me dead in the eye with his vibrant blue eyes.

"Cass people love you. every single one of us has stood by your decisions and all of us care deeply for you" I said a slight smile on my fave seeing cass look surprised.

"Even when I went all god or left dean. People still like me?" He questioned.

"We have stood by all of team free will through all of your mistakes. When Dean had the mark, when sam was drinking demon blood, when you went all god. Thy might not have been good choices but you've always been our boys and you'll always be" I said.

He smiled.
"Thank you" he said getting ready to take off.

"Cass wait" I said as he stopped. I moved in a wrapped my arms around him. He froze at the gesture. I moved away

"thank you for all you've done for this world and ours. You've saved so many lives in my world. Don't ever think your not worth it. Please cass I've never seen any one more brave. Oh and can you talk to Dean i can tell he doesn't trust me and i know he'll trust me even less when he meets my friends" he smiled an nodded. Then with the flapping of wings he was gone.

I turned back to the door and with a shaky hand rang the door bell. I smiled as ms. Hudson opened the door with a smile.

"You here to see sherlock dear. Don't worry I won't tell john" she said ushering me in. I giggled at her thinking I'm here to see sherlock.

"Thank you ms. Hudson" I said smiling.

"I'll put he tea on dear what's your name" she said almost out the door.

"Lizzy!" I called starting to climb the stairs I've dreamed of climbing so many times.

The door swung open as i reached to knock. In front of me stood John Hamish Watson the blogging army doctor.

"Come in" he said ushering me in and I could tell he thought I was a client. I sat in the chair as sherlock came out.

"Your not a client who do you want" he said after taking a good glance at me.

"Sherlock, John pleasure to meet you" I said trying to keep in my squeal.

"What do you mean she's not a client" John said looking at sherlock. Sherlock smirked.

"Her foot steps were quicker coming up here as if she was excited. She didn't take the tube, car, plane, or street car here but he didn't walk either. She obviously knows who we are but more then that she knows who ms. Hudson is. She has a well paying job but he's taking a break and doesn't know when she's going back. No she came with a purpose and is obviously enjoying herself. Duffle bag has a knife and gun in it along with others. She doesn't mean any harm though and what confuses me most" he paused and moved closer an took my pulse. "Her heart rate is elevated and her eyes are dilated. She cares for us, I might say love but we've never met her. He knows us but we don't know her. Now answer my question. Who are you and what are you doing here!" He yelled the last part and I smiled.

John was off to the side looking thoroughly confused but let's be honest when is John not confused.

"My name is Lizzy and I need your help. I do know who you are and do care about you. Sherlock your deductions were spot on like usual. I'm from a different dimension, hitched a ride to this dimension with an alien driving a time machine/spaceship, came to your flat with a angel. I need your a John's help to save not just this world no no no but all dimensions. I know I sound crazy but look me the eye William sherlock Holmes and tell me I'm lying. I could tell you anything you ask about you or Johns life try me" I said completely serious slightly smirking because I know I could take anything sherlock threw at me.

John looked from sherlock to me looking as sherlock leaned forward in his chair looking m in the eye.

"Anything" sherlock asked smirking.

"Anything" I whispered.

"How many girlfriends has John had" sherlock asked looking at me.

"You have to ask a question you know the answer too. Besides to many to count. John doesn't even know" I said smirking.

"Who do i hate most" he asked.

"Phillip Anderson. Sally Donovan a close second. And I don't blame you there both bitchy little bastards" I said as his smirk fell.

"Come on every one knows that. Who are Sherlock's friends" John said from the side.

"John Hamish Watson, Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, and ms. Hudson" I said smiling.

"What do you know about John off the top of your head" sherlock asked.

"His name is John Hamish Watson. Has a sister alcoholic named Harriet. Army doctor gets a kick out of solving crimes with you. Had a wife named Mary Morstan. Met you three years ago. I could keep going but we'd be here to long" I said.

"Fine lets say your not crazy how would we help save the world" John asked.

"I don't know. you and four other people have saved so many lives already. I just know that we need you" I said.

"She's telling the truth John. Think of it an angel? Aliens? It's impossible" sherlock exclaimed.

"Nothing's impossible just a bit unlikely" I said tilting my head.

"You never explained how you know so much about us" John said.

"In my universe your lives are a TV show. Every since you met sherlock john. We've seen most of your cases. Well the big ones. Your very popular you know" I said and John smiled.

"Then the world knows I'm not gay" John said laughing.

"Quite the contrary everyone ships Johnlock" I said. John chocked on his tea.

"Johnlock!" He sputtered.

"Yes it's a couple name nobody thinks your straight john" I said as I saw sherlock smirk.

"It's getting late where do we have to go to 'save the universe's as you put it" John asked sitting in his chair.

"Kansas. But tomorrow I have someone coming to pick us up" I said smirking.

"Who" sherlock asked.

"The doctor" I answered simply.

"Doctor who" John said. I smiled


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