dean calm down

22 2 3

I awoke in a strangely familiar flat. I looked around and I was in 221B. 'its not a dream' I leaned up to see sherlock and John both with bags.

"Ready" I asked looking at the two nervous people but sherlock was hiding it well.

I took out my iPhone and checked the time 12:00

"let's hope the doctor isn't late. Oh and sherlock" he turned to me.

"Don't try to more clever then the doctor" I said.

"I am more clever hes ordinary" sherlock stated and John smirked.

"I don't know who's more clever just don't try too prove it. He'll be acting clever don't try to correct him" I paused.

"He might try to talk in baby terms. Don't ask about his back story don't deduce him. And most important. Don't bring up roses, rivers, or ponds" I said.

"I don't suppose you gave him rules" sherlock asked.

"Well I told him not to punch you" join sniggered.
"but that's because hes an alien oh dont ask about his race or planet. In fact everyone you meet just avoid all reference to there past. Don't mention parents, family, why there doing this, and for the love god don't deduce them" I said.

Sherlock grumbled then perked up when the TARDIS sound.

"There backgrounds that bad" John asked from beside me. I nodded them smiled the TARDIS appeared. I lightly stroked the side of it

"thanks sexy for being on time. I know how much you like to mess with that funny little man" the TARDIS hummed in appreciation.

"Why are you talking to the box you said spaceship" John questioned.

"It's Alive it has spirit and it is a space ship. Just with some... advanced science" I said opening the doors. John and sherlock quickly followed me in.

"Your not going to kiss me again" the doctor asked.

"No but meet the great sherlock Holmes consulting detective and our favorite blogger John Watson" I said stepping out the way so they could see them. Sherlock looked around horrified.

"How is his possible" he asked his mind running at a million time a minute. John did a double take walking outside and looking.

"Wait it's it's bigger on the inside" John exclaimed. Liz looked and walked up to sherlock.

"Sherlock Holmes pleasure to meet you big fan" she said shaking his hand a bit to long.

"Well don't be desperate at least your friend managed to make a good impression and be interesting" sherlock told her degradingly. She frowned and John patted her on the back.

The doctor frowned and looked at me.

"this is the great sherlock holmes" he questioned.

"whats that supposed to mean" sherlock stated deducing the doctor.

"Stop fighting. Gods children" you hissed quietly.

"so what technology is this. You obviously have some kind of deconsible used to make it bigger on the inside but how is it alive" sherlock said looking around.

"shes called the TARDIS time and relative dimension in space" the doctor said flicking switches and pressing buttons.

"she?" sherlock raised an eyebrow.

"shes alive. sexy has feelings too. also love your bowtie doctor" i said smirking. i ran up and dragged my finger across the console. "thank you"

"bowties are cool" we said at the same time. i smiled.

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