thank you

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This is not a normal chapter this goes out to the girls in my fanfiction. My best friends who even though aren't related they are my family and the best one I could ask for. To doszabell cat43835 LevixErenship Hailey_Musgrave Aurora_Schultz

Go give these girls a follow there the best friends I could ever have.

To:my family

I miss you and I regret not telling you how much you all mean to me before school ended. Amaya, Shelby, Elisabeth, Hailey, and madeline. you are the greatest family I could ask for, although we're not related by blood your my family and I'd wish I'd told you that from the beginning. I miss all the little things to do. I miss Amaya always hugging or hanging around me, or the way she could make any one happy. If it was a weird sexual joke, just random out bursts, or or just talking about anything in general, it was never a dull moment with her around. I miss how Shelby would always be drawing and she would put up with with my bull crap. I've known her the longest and she never once let me down... even when I didn't deserve it. I miss how Elisabeth would always be on her phone all hours of the day and explode at a moment's notice when something she didn't like happened. She's very opinionated and may not be as girly as others but she definitely one of the best people I've ever met. I miss how Hailey would always be talking or telling stories. She's comfortable to be around and is accepting no matter what. I miss how Madeline would always be quick to correct you about something or would throw out a random fact. She's honest ad will hurt you but overall an awesome person to be around and talk anime with. I miss my family with every fiber in my being and miss Amaya most of all. Knowing shes not coming back to school and I might never see her again hurts. I can't wait till next year and i hope nothing changes because even though this year my life was falling apart my friends managed to hold me together. This has been one of the best years of my life. Because while my biological family was going to shit i found my real family. Amaya, Shelby, Elisabeth, Hailey, and madeline thank you for being my real family. You've made this one of the best years of m life. And while im a shitty friend and dont deserve such awesome people to call family, you've never left my side.


"family don't end in blood"

"This is my family, it's little and broken, buts its still good. Yeah still good"

"A home doesn't need to be a house and a family doesn't need to be related"

Your my family and schools my home.

Amaya= Aurora_Schultz

Shelby= doszabell

Elisabeth= cat43835

Hailey= Hailey_Musgrave

Madeline= LevixErenship

These are the girls the characters in the story are based off.

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