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Elisabeth pov

Me and Hailey landed on a checkered floor with a loud 'thud'. I slowly got up and looked at the circular device on my hand that had turned a deep shade of blue. I quickly looked around and smiled excitedly as we were in the pizzaria.

"Are we here?" Hailey questioned from beside me looking around at a place she'd only seen through screens.
I nodded numbly finally being at the place I've dreamed of being in.

"I'm using the device" i said taking out the second piece of machinery out my hoodie pocket.

"Did you not hear the doctor intense pain! Make you wanna die!" She exclaimed.
"I'm gonna use it to make Vincent think I'm his girlfriend. I already have a story line layed out in my head I read it in one of Lizzy's fanfiction" i said thinking back to the fanfiction my friend had just finished. ({Love hexagon night guard x reader} check it out)

Hailey threw her hands up in the air in annoyance.
"Fine just remember to concentrate on the story. Dont mess it up" she said worriedly taking a step back.

I pressed the button and a small bottle filled with purple liquid rose up. 'cool' I grabbed it nervously and took the cap off.

"Bottoms up" I said throwing my head back and emptying the liquid in one go. Hailey looked at me uncertainly.

"Feel anything painful?" She said hopefully 'maybe the doctor exaggerated' I thought

"I mean it was disgusting but not-" I was cut off by a major pain growing all over my body.
I dropped to the ground in agony. It felt like I was being skinned, burned, poisoned, and choked all at the same time. I screamed out in pain the sound echoing through out the building.

"Elisabeth!" Hailey screamed reaching to touch me but pulled back as my burning skin made contact with her hand.

Tears tried to make its way down my face but evaporated right after it hit my face. Hailey looked in horror as my skin started to peel until it was all gone and fried like bacon on the floor.

"Five more seconds" she pleaded looking away from my skinned body all the blood and organs visible. It was like someone made my skin see through as nothing was falling out.

New skin started to bubble up bones breaking and growing and shrinking in places. Three seconds later new smoother skin had grown out and my eyes were gone. I couldn't scream anymore as my mind was flooded with information an feelings I don't remember having before.

I felt a new pair of eyeballs pop into the sockets and hair grow out of the scalp until I had short purple hair. My lips grew soft. Suddenly I was hit with one last wave of pain till it all stopped.

"Elisabeth?" Hailey asked uncertainly reaching into her pocket and grabbing a mirror.
I panted and tried to get my bearings. My mind raced and was confused memories fighting against each other to take hold.

"My name's cat?" I said like a question reaching up to find my hair was shorter and... purple? 'you are your oc" I thought suddenly realised what happened.

"Hailey it was a x reader by instead of putting myself into the story I plugged in my oc" I paused and looked down 'ok im wearing clothes'

I had a massive headache memories still battling and confused as half screamed 'you Elisabeth this is a different dimension' and the other 'this your life who is that girl named Hailey'

I stood up an took the mirror from my... friend? I looked in and instead of seeing me I saw a beautiful woman with short purple hair, green stunning eyes, fair skin with no marks except the Hickey on my neck, I was wearing a large green sweater and black skinny jeans.

"Is this my face" I said reaching up and touching my smooth cheek with no flaws. I was the perfect version of who i wanted to be.

"Elisabeth!" Hailey snapped taking the mirror back.
"Are you okay" she asked still not used to seeing me like a completely different person.

"Let's go find my boyfriend" i said excitedly and realised 'im going to get to kiss the one person I've always wanted to kiss',

Me and Hailey left the pizzaria and I started walking home. It was like I ha walked this path many times before but i haven't.

"Do you have any idea where your going" Hailey questioned walking beside me as the sun rose above the horizon our 72 hours had started.

"Yeah i-i think so it's like ive walked this before but i haven't. It's hard to explain"

"Those people are waving at us" Hailey said pointing to too men who i recognised from pictures and memories their hands were intertwined and beckoning us forward.

"That's Jeremy and Mike!" I exclaimed happily running towards them Hailey hastily following behind. I came up to them and they both wrapped me in a hug. 'im being hugged by Jeremy and Mike!!! OMG OMG OMG!!'

"W-w-who is that c-cat" Jeremy said nervously then calmed visibly when Mike grabbed his hand.
"Yeah and why are you here Vincent's going crazy trying to find you he said you just disappeared last night" Mike questioned suspiciously.

"This is Hailey and we must've gotten really drunk last night we woke up in the pizzaria but luckily it was after 6" i said just as Hailey caught up. Jeremy nodded as Mike glared since Haily was looking at there hands.

"Are you gay" she blurted and i slapped the back of her head. "Sorry but yeah I'm her good friend Hailey" she quickly recovered and Mir stopped glaring.

"Do you guys think you could give us a ride home. It's to far to walk" I asked awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"Sure hop in" Mike said and we clambered into the back of there car.

We set off too get to Vincent's house

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