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Everything around me was happening so quick with all the muffled up voices. The ambulance, the police, everyone was there but i couldn't pick myself and process what just happened.

The funeral and everything passed really quick. Days went by and the moments spent with Sky always flashed in my mind. She was someone i would never dreamt of not being by my side. A knock on the doorstartled me. I opened to find some officers on the porch.

"Good morning mam, is this where Sky Evans and Amelia Peters live? We are from the court."
"Yeah. and i am Amelia Peters.How can i help you?"

"Pleased to meet you mam."

"I'm sorry for the tragic loss of your friend. Her Nana sent these for you due to some special occasion today she mentioned."

"Can i take a look at them?" I was shocked to look at what was written.

"Is everything alright mam."
"i-i cant accept this." I looked up with tears brimming my eyes.

"I'm sorry mam Clarissa Evans the former nanny of Miss Sky Evans have legally handed-over the whole and sole property of Evans to you mam. And the honour court also declared that you can no longer give it back to the Evans even if they asked for."

"If you'll excuse me mam i have alot more work to do." he smiled.

"Yeah." I whispered. Before leaving he turned and said.

"Happy 18th birthday mam." he gave a smile and left.

At the end of the folder i found a letter.

Dear Amy,

I know its a a great loss to us. There's always an empty place left that can never be replaced. But darling life hasn't come to an end. I know you are broken but at some point you gotta pick up those pieces and stand up strong. Sky would want you to that. Wouldn't she? She is in a better place Amy. And the property which belonged to the last person in the family of Evans is no more. So the property is passed on to someone loved or to the charity. There is no one whom Sky would have loved more you. Take care. Stay strong. Happy 18th birthday Amy



I cried myself to sleep everyday. I woke and checked the time it was 8 pm i tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. i walked out of the house to get some fresh air. i just walked into the distance the street was empty. Slowly i made my way to the cemetery. Since sky was gone nobody ever talked, i'd say i never spoke to anyone even if they did except for Niall. Even we were together sitting we would never talk much because we were busy in our own thoughts about Sky. But silence between the two best friends was our place of comfort. As i made my way towards vault (grave) where Sky was eternally placed. I saw someone already there sitting next to her. Niall. He was always there whenever i was here. We sometimes walked home together but most of the time he denied coming.

Harry. I haven't seen him since the day after the funeral. He never even called me or even came to meet me. I haven't been to school since two days and i decided to go tomorrow. I walked back home and felt drowsy, i fell asleep as soon as i laid down.

Harry's POV

I saw her calmly lying on the bed. It soon started raining outside i was in her balcony, watching her cry to sleep, saw her feeling lonely, watching all the memories of her and Sky flashing in her mind, moments spent with me and the worst thing is seeing hatred building towards me. I couldn't help it. Charlotte knew because of this incident it would get me closer to Mia so she took a chance and put my mom is danger. Nothing is more to me than my mom. But yet I sneaked out and met Elaine, the same girl Mia asked about. It was a very long story she was my best friend like how Sky was to Mia. She said she would be with Mia until she gets alright. I'm sorry Mia i couldn't give you a shoulder to lean on when you needed the most. Happy birthday Mia.


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Love J

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