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After the class was over we were walking out and heard someone giggle. I turned around to see a guy with brown orbs, black hair and pretty handsome,but not as much as Harry.Wait. What am I thinking?

"what seems so funny huh?." Sky snapped. He just laughed and turned towards me.

"Do you think harry is going to be your "friend" or what so ever. Forget it pretty girl he is going to ditch you!". His words hit me like stones. But I gathered my senses and spoke out.

"what do you mean he is going to ditch me?" I asked him curiously.

"Hey whats up!". Harry interrupted.

"This guy says you are going to ditch Amy's friendship." sky answered.

why Sky doesnt keep her mouth shut for once in her life.

He glared at him.

"Mia lets go". He pulled me out the class.

"Harry what happened?". I was shocked by his sudden actions.

"Never talk to him again!". He snapped.

"Whats wrong?". I asked

"Try to understand Mia! He is not what he looks like. Please just stay away from him. Okay?". I could sense the fear in his voice. And his eyes turned red?

"Harry why did your eys turn red?". He sighed.

"Are you listening what i am saying? Or checking me out?". He smirked.

My eyes widened at his reply and punched him and he was really hard.

"Ouch!". He whispered.


"What?". He laughed

"Nothing". I laughed and stared walking away.

"Woah woah where are you going?". He asked

"To the next class".

"Which class?". He asked.

"Work shop"

"Oh i have the same class too". He grinned.

"Okay lets go i dont wanna get late". I said

"Okay". He replyed,

It was quite noisey class. People were chatting, some where texting, some were playing. I saw a girl sitting at the window and staring outside.

"Hey harry who is she?" I pointed at the mystery girl.

"A random girl". He shrugged.

"You might be knowing her name right?". I asked

"Oh My God! Why do ask so many questions?". He laughed

"Just tell me her name! Fine. I'll shut up!". I snapped

"Her name is Elaine Irwin". He said

"Oh she is pretty". I smiled.

"Yeah". He said rolling his eyes.

The class started and it was way boring then i thougt it would be. I took a look at the girl. I dont know wether she was listening to class or wondering.

Bell rang. Me and Harry walked into the canteen.

"Amelia fucking James! Where the hell were you?". Her yelling made everyone look at me.

"Nice name Mia". He laughed.

"Thanks Styles". I fake smiled and walked away.

"Sky what the hell was that?". I whisper yelled.

"Im sorry i didnt meant to". She gave me a puppy dog eyes. Which are hard to reject.

"Aghhh okay."I said

"Yes! Mam!". She saluted and i laughed.

We had our lunch and i walked into the class. Me, Sky and Harry have different classes. so i had to go alone. Amazin. I walked intp the class and found a seat empty beside a blondè.


who wants to meet Niall?
loads of love
Jag. <3

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