Hope, Intrigue

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Mia's POV

Everything was slowing getting back to normal which means people staring, whispering and the rest of the shit. I was getting ready for the collage and heard a loud knock on the door which startled me. I slowly made my way to the door gripping a vase and tried pepping through the peep hole. I found no one out side, i got back and i felt a hand on my shoulder i quickly turned shut my eyes and hit the vase on a head? as i assumed it would be. And of course it shattered.

"Ouch!!" I heard a voice yell.

"What has gotten into you Amy?" He yelled.

"Jake what the hell are you doing here?" I asked helping him up.

"I just came to visit you". He said.
"You 'knock the door' remember?" i reminded him quoting fingers in the air.

"I did, but you never answered" He said walking into the kitchen and me following.

"How did you get inside?" I demanded.
"Your back door was open genius" of course he sassed and like always i scoffed.

"So why are you here?" 

"Are you going home any time soon?"
"Umm no. Why do you ask?" handing him coffee.

"I just thought i would come with you." he said looking down.

"Look Jake you don't have ask to come visit. Its home isn't it." I smiled.

"And I-I am sorry for that day and for what i said."

"Its okay big guy. No worries about that." I messed his hair.

"Aggh you know i don't like people messing with my hair." He sulked.
"So how is collage?" He asked sipping his coffee.

"Not bad though. Just busy with works and projects nothing much."

"How is Elaine?" And i spit out my coffee.

"How- how do you know her?" I asked anxiously.

"She is my friend's sister."

"So you asked her to babysit your sister?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"No she just talked about you to us then we found out it was you."


"So are you free this weekend? You should be, you are coming with me to the party."

"Look who is asking?! seriously?! Is it kind of a party where people study and just sleep and eat the refrigerated pizza!!! I'm not coming." I huffed folding my hands.

"Woah-woah wait! I'm talking about the real party. I thought you getting together with new people would get things out your mind for a while." He smiled.

"Thanks for that Jake but no."

"Amy you just can't stay here all day. I know its hard to move on but you have to. Trust me you will be alright there." He assured.

"Okay. don't go all emotional on me I'll be there. Wait! Will Elaine be there too?"

"Yeah she will be."

"I'll be there."

"Okay then see you at my place at 7." he smiled and gave me a tight hug.

"Just remember I'm always here for you."

"Yeah. Jake you know you are crushing me." He chuckled.

Few hours later...... 

The place was all crowded, thumping music with dancing people and me with a glass of water in my hand sitting in a corner and having debate in my head about people. 

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