New job, new life

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 Hi, my name is Choi Hwa-Young. I am a singer and dancer and I have just recently been accepted as a new trainee under JYP Entertainment. Unfortunately, that means I have to leave my family and friends in order to pursue this. I'm willing to accept this if it means pursuing my dream of becoming an entertainer.

I was staring out the window of the airplane while it began to land. I was feeling a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness as we got closer to the ground.

The plane finally reached the ground and I was free. I grabbed my luggage and I began make my way to where I was supposed to get picked up by a worker from JYP. I looked around as I weaved my way through the crowds of people. It seemed like forever until I found the driver.

In the car, I decided to take a little nap since the plane ride completely drained me and the were all the way across town.

I was peacefully sleeping until I awoke to some people shouting. I rubbed my eyes awake and squinted until my vision began to become clear. I turned my head to see seven guys sitting around me. To be honest I didn't even think that the van could fit this many people...

"Sorry, did we wake you?" One of them with said.

I smiled "Ani~."

Suddenly the car came to a stop "We're here." The driver said to us.

I unbuckled my seat belt and stepped out of the car. I looked up in front of me and my mind was blown. The JYP building towered in front of me. Pictures of artists were plastered on the front and the sun reflected off the glass windows giving it a almost magical aura. I shook my head remembering that I have to go to the building a few blocks down to get to the dorms.

When I got to the front desk of the dorms, the person at the front desk... well let's just say that she wasn't the nicest or happiest person. I practically had to beg and spell it out for her that I was new and I needed to get the key for my room. Even when I did she gave me a bunch of stuff that I don't think I even needed. With my arms full of papers, folders, and my bags, I carefully made it up to my room that was on the 7th floor. I dragged all of my stuff behind me as I fumbled around for the key that she... might... gave me. I dug around in my pocket when some of the papers began to drop on the ground. Soon what began to be a few pieces of papers began to be stacks of papers. The frustration began to build inside of me until I finally felt the cool metal touch my finger tips. I quickly grabbed it from my pocket but, as I spun it around about to put it in the lock I just had to drop it. I let out a loud, frustrated sigh. I'm starting to hate the front desk lady. I began to bend down to pick the key up when I suddenly see someone's hand pick it up for me. I look up to see cute guy with black hair and kind eyes looking at me. I recognized him, he was one of the guys from the car. He smiled at me and unlocked my door for me.

I smiled back at him "Ghamsamnida."

"Here let me help you with this." He said as he picked up the stacks of paper from the ground and grabbed the papers from my arms.

Immediately my arms felt so relieved yet, I couldn't help feel a little weird, after all I don't even know this guy.

When we finally got everything into my dorm I began to sign the stupid papers as he sat down beside me. At first I thought it was kind of weird but I should at least just invite him in after all he did help me.

"Thanks again for helping me." I said.

"No problem, I had to go through the same thing." He replied.

I have to admit he was kinda cute and every so often I couldn't help but blush. But, after all we just met. We talked a little while longer. It turns out he actually lives next door with his other friends and he is also a trainee under JYP. I finished filling out my papers and he said that he had to go back to his friends. As I was showing him out I couldn't help but ask him something.

"Hey, I never learned your name." I asked him shyly.

"It's Jr." He said smiling.

I smiled back " Nice to meet you Jr. My name is Hwa-Young." I stuck out my hand to shake his.

He took my hand "Nice to meet you Hwa-Young. Maybe we can talk again sometime." He said as he looked into my eyes and we parted ways.

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