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Hwa-Young POV
I slowly opened my eyes to reveal I was lying in a bed..IN THE HOSPITAL?! Aish... I tried to sit up but I was only filled with a sudden rush of pain in my head. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to take in everything when I felt something in my hand. I slowly moved my head to see Jr, his hand in mine, sitting beside me with his head down on the bed. I sighed, not sure what to do. I wanted to get out of here but there's no way I can get up. I awkwardly moved my hand out of his making sure not to wake him up. My phone sat on the table beside me. I picked it up and checked the time 3:00 pm... wait I've been out for 3 days?! Wait then how long has Jr been here with me? Just then Jr slowly awoke and quickly jumped out of his seat.

"Hwa-Young? Your awake! Are you okay? Are your hurt? Do you remember me? Do you remember who you are?!" He said in a panicked voice.

I giggled "Yes I'm fine."

He sighed in relief. He sat back down but I couldn't help but feel that he was acting a little different than usual, the silence between us just felt heavy.

I was happy that she is finally awake but I just feel so guilty. She ended up in here because of me. I want to tell her that it was my fault but I don't want her to hate me... what do I do?

Hwa-Young POV
Jr soon left since he had to go to practice since he said he missed the past few days because of me. I feel bad but he didn't really have to stay because of me...

Jr came back the next day with some food and we talked about what was happening back at the studio. I felt a lot happier when he was around since there wasn't much I could really do.

"You know you don't have to come visit me, I'm doing fine." I lied, I actually like having him around although I am curious about why he is here.

He smiled "It's fine, I want to see you be healthy and you've been going through a tough time."

I nodded in understanding. I was kinda hurt that he was just coming out of pity but I guess I should be a little thankful. He left once again leaving me for practice but this time with a feeling in my stomach. I wasn't sure if it was sadness or something else...

He came everyday after that, same time as usual. We grew a lot closer every time he came to visit. i found out that his actual name is Park Jinyoung, he likes to sing and dance so he auditioned for JYP, and he likes to read.

Later that week that I was able to be discharged from the hospital. I was filled with relief that I finally get to leave. I started to gather my stuff from the room when I noticed a slip of paper on my bedside table.


I heard that you are able to be discharged from the hospital, congratulations! I'm sorry that I can't be with you today, practice is beginning to build up. I'll make it up to you, promise!


I blushed a little as I read this note. Yeah I was a little upset that we couldn't hang out today but he's been with me the entire week so he should have time to himself. I started to walk towards the JYP building to catch up on what I missed. I can't afford to fall behind even more than I already have. When I made it there I went into an empty practice room. I began to work on the dance that the other trainees and I were working on before. It took me a while to learn it since I'm more of a vocalist than a dancer. There was a lot of foot work involved and I had to take frequent breaks since I would get headaches from time to time. Exhausted, I finally got the dance down and decided to head home.

When I got home all I wanted to do was fall asleep, but, when I got to my door, there was something left there. I crouched down to see that it was a stack of containers filled with food. On top was yet another note.


You might be hungry and tired, so I made some food for you!


I smiled and rolled my eyes. What has gotten into him lately? I got into my dorm and enjoyed the food. It tasted really good.

It was late in the afternoon and I was resting on my couch watching tv, when I heard a knock on my door. I groaned as I got up and answered the door. I looked up to see Jr standing there.

"Jr aren't you supposed to be at practice." I asked.

"We finished early. Let's go somewhere." He said excitedly.

I nodded my head in agreement and grabbed a jacket and started to walk together.

"Umm so where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"Hmm, I don't know, I just wanted to take a walk." He said.

We walked a while until we came to a big open field. There were a few hills but the sun shone down on the green grass and it was just the two of us there. We sat down on a small hill as a warm breeze blew.

"U-umm Jr, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked nervously.

There was a small silence between us. I turned to look at him scared to hear what he was going to say. He sighed and stared down at the grass.

"H-Hwa Young, the reason why you were in the hospital was because of m-me..." He admitted shyly.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"M-my friend threw the basketball at me and I dodged it and it hit y-you.."

Initially it shocked me but I knew he was sincere and he was sorry. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"It's okay Jr. You don't have to worry about me, and you should stop acting so nice to me if that is the reason." I said.

"Really? Are you sure your okay?" He said surprised.


"But I won't stop being nice to you." Jr said suddenly.

"Araseo." I said upset. I thought that he would stop taking pity on me and actually act like a friend, but I guess not. I started to get up and slowly walk down the hill when he grabbed my wrist and spun me around.

"I won't stop being nice to you because I actually really like you. I have for a long time and I want you to be happy. Hwa-Young, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

My eyes widened in surprise and I was lost for words. I looked up and looked into his eyes. I wasn't sure what my answer was at first but some part of me made me nod.


A smile spread across his face as he picked me up and spun me around. When he put me down my face was buried in his shoulder and we were in each other's embrace.

He whispered in my ear "I'll be here for you no matter what. Promise!"

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