A "typical" date

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  Hwa-Young's POV

I sat in the passenger's seat as the car went over the bumps of the road. I looked over to the driver's side to see Junior trying to hold back his smile which he wouldn't tell me the reason for. All he has told me this entire time we were on the road,which we have been on forever, is we were going somewhere fun; whatever that meant. I checked the time on my phone to see that it was 7:00 in the evening.

Prior to this little surprise, I was trying to finish practicing a dance from today's lesson which I have yet to figure out. So let's just say I'm currently not in the best mood and when Junior burst in the practice room and dragged me out I kept yelling for 30 minutes straight. Junior wasn't phased by the fact but continued on with whatever he had planned.

I tried to ask some more questions to only be silenced by him shushing at me. I was deep in my thoughts about what we were doing until we abruptly stop with an exclamation from Junior.

"We're here! You can stop your whining now..."

I rolled my eyes at him as I got out of the car to see that he brought me to none other than Namsan Tower. I told Junior at one point that I always wanted to go here ever since I came to Korea but, I didn't think that he would actually take me. I happily hopped up and down and hugged Junior from being lost for words. He smiled and intertwined our fingers together as we began to make our way towards the tower.

We finally made it to the top where I happily rushed out to take in the view of the city. I took in a deep breath as observed the city sights, cars weaving through the streets, people walking and rushing to their destinations, and the lights of the city beginning to turn on as the sun began to set beyond the horizon. Junior walked over to me with a face of mixed emotions.

"Junior, thank you so much for taking me here. It's so beautiful," I breathed out in astonishment.

"You're welcome, I knew you really wanted to come here," Junior smiled.

I backed away from the railing as Junior wrapped his arm around my waist and we began to look at all the little locks attached the railings and any small opening where the locks could attach itself to. They all varied in size, shape, colour, and even the language each little note on it was written in. I grinned at the sight as it filled me with a fuzzy feeling inside. Suddenly, I feel Junior fiddling around for something in his pocket before pulling out a small silver lock with our initials engraved in it. He took my hand and carefully placed it in my hand and closing my fingers around it. I looked up to stare up into his deep brown eyes. I could slowly feel my cheeks heat up with a light pink tint creep across them.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I also brought some pieces of paper and some pens to write notes to each other to put on the lock as well." He exclaimed in excitement.

We momentarily split up to write our notes in private since we wanted to keep them secret. I thought for while trying to think of the perfect note to write for him. I began to carefully write down whatever came to my mind and expressed whatever was on my mind.

Junior oppa~,
We have only been together for a little while but it feels like my life is not complete without you. I'm not sure if it's the way you make me feel or just the thought of being with you but thank you for being with me since the beginning. I hope success and happiness for you in the future and make sure you don't work yourself too hard~ I wish I could express how much you mean to me but I feel like words wouldn't be enough. Maybe in the future I will soon be able to show you. Let's hope for the best for the future.

I finished writing the note and folded it up and waited for Junior to finish writing his. When the two of us finished up, we put the two notes together and looped them onto the lock. I smiled as I watched Junior lock the lock on the railing. He engulfed me in a hug as we took one last look at the lock and began to exit the tower.

Junior POV

I wasn't sure what to write on the note at first but I knew it wouldn't be easy.

One day we might look back on these notes and I want to make sure that I won't have any regrets. When I first met you, I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. You attracted me without me knowing and now it seems like my whole world revolves around you. Whenever I look into your eyes I can't help but feel like we are the only two people in the world but, all I can feel after is, what will happen if I ever lose you. As I look forward into the future I want to say that I will be there for you whenever you need me, but I know that is probably not the reality. By the time you come back here and read this we may not be together so, just know that I write this with a heavy heart and that I mean it when I say this, I love you
Choi Hwa-young. Maybe someday fate will bring us back and closer to each other and I can truly be there for you and show you a better me.

As I finished arranging the lock in place I gave Hwa-Young a hug trying to hold back any sudden tears. I pulled away beginning to make my way out as I fiddled with the cool metal key that laid at the pit of my pocket.  

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