Thunder and lightning

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  Hwa-Young POV

I sat at the window sill staring blankly at the stormy grey horizon. The sky darkened and began to thunder in anger with rain pouring down as if trying to break the earth with the occasional flash of bright lightning blinding and lighting the sky. I sighed hoping that it would brighten up soon. Jr told he me his was planning to take me somewhere but due to the weather we had to take a rain check. Also to make matters worse, the stupid wind caused the power to go out. I shrugged my shoulders to myself questioning what my plans for the next few hours were. I groaned as I started to wonder around the dorm and began to whine like a little kid. Yes, you are probably thinking that I am possibly one of the craziest people in the world but, being trapped in a tiny dorm alone, with nothing to do gets to you. It finally came time for me to become bored enough that I ended up laying on my couch staring up at the ceiling in total darkness. Suddenly, I hear a soft knock on my door. I sit making sure that I heard correctly before hearing it being followed by the sound of another knock. I pulled myself off the couch to find Jr standing outside my door in shambles. His hair dripping wet and his clothes clinging to his cold skin. I gasped in shock.

"Jr what are you doing here all wet?! What have you been doing... come on let's get you to your dorm to get you changed into some dry clothes."

I began to drag him to his dorm until he pulled me back. I tried pulling him again yet he wouldn't budge only his gaze would shift ever so slightly when I tried to look him in the eye.

"Tsk... what am I going to do with you Jr? You're going to get sick if you stay like this." I tried to reason.

He took a deep breath before speaking, " I'll be fine... I just came back from practice and I wanted to spend some time with you." He said taking both of my hands.

I sighed giving in, "Fine...but what do you propose we do?"

He thought for a long while before taking me back to my dorm. I sat down on the ground first as he turned on the electric fireplace and soon came back to join me.

We sat in silence for a whole just enjoying each other's presence, watching the flickering of the red and orange flames. I got up to grab a warm drink for Jr and me while he was resting and warming up. I quietly walk into the kitchen as I filled two mugs up with some hot water. Not the best drink but it will have to do for now. I handed the mug off to Jr as he seemed distracted in his own thoughts. I sat down beside him stealing glances at him every so often only to find him preoccupied once again in his own world.

"Jr?" I began softly, "are you okay?"

He suddenly perked up and gave me a quick smile, "of course I am, I'm with you aren't I?"

I nodded my head in understanding and gave him a quick smile in return. My gaze started to trail of until he suddenly grabbed both of my heads and locked his gaze with mine.

"I just remembered I have something for you." He exclaimed happily.

He reached into his pocket before pulling out a rectangular shaped box. Inside revealed a silver bracelet and on the inside engraved our initials. I smiled as my eyes brimmed slightly with tears. I pulled Jr into my embrace speechless from his actions. As he soon pulled away he slipped the bracelet around my wrist. He soon revealed a matching braceleet. He smiled sweetly notcining how happy I was before pulling me onto his lap with his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. I turned to kiss his cheek but suddenly he turned his head and capture my lips with his and his arms tightened around my waist. He pulled away and gave one last peck on my lips and laid his forehead against mine.

"Saranghae, Jr."

"Nado saranghae, let's stay together forever like thunder and lightning."  

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